Sai’s Experience And Blessings

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Madhuri From India Says: Om Sai Ram!
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am a Sai devotee and a member of the Mahaparayan which is nothing but a Global Mass Prayer Group. I take this opportunity to pen down my experience by the grace of Sai Ram.
My parents have been a staunch devotee of Sai Baba for many years. However, being an ignorant soul, I had not taken to the feet of Baba. Then, in the year 2013 I went through a very low phase of my life. My mother came to my rescue and guided me to go to Sai Temple and pray with a clear heart. I happened to then visit the Sai Temple at Chattarpur, Delhi and the very month that I stepped into Baba’s temple at Chattarpur, my mother’s words came true and Baba fulfilled my wish.
Thereafter, I had a series of Sai Experiences in the form of His blessings and my situation saw a turnaround.
However, in the year 2019, my mother fell very sick , she unfortunately came down with a lung tumour and had to go through a very challenging treatment. I, with Baba’s grace, got an opportunity to serve my mother while my husband took care of my children in another station. On 15th of October 2019, ( 101st year of Baba’s Mahasamadhi ), being a Tuesday as it was so on 15th October 1918 , Baba ended the sufferings of my mother and took her under His loving wings as she left us for her heavenly abode.
On the 6th of September 2020, was my mother’s birthday. It was her first birthday celebrated in her loving memory by the family, however, I was truly missing her a lot. It is then that I prayed to Baba to give me a vision of her in His loving arms. As I wished for this to come true, I read Baba’s instructions on His e-site, which instructed me to wait for two days. It also read that I should be alert about what happens at my residence after two days and must worship Baba’s photo thereafter.
It was 9th September 2020, morning hours and I had to submit my tax return papers to my Chartered Accountant. To my real astonishment, as I opened my tax folder, I stumbled upon a very old photograph of my mother, father and nephew with my mother standing right in front of a huge Sai Photo Frame. Seeing my mother under the loving grace of Baba, my eyes were filled with tears and my heart was swelled with gratitude. The restlessness that I had since my mother’s birthday was immediately gone and I was at peace and harmony, knowing very well that my mother is under Baba’s loving wings. I immediately took the photograph and placed it in the Shrine and chanted Baba’s name. I rested my prayer to Baba, saying that I shall wait for her to return to the family in a new Avatar with Baba’s will and loving grace for His devotees.
Om Sai Ram, Peace be to all.
Sai Devotee Madhuri
#MP-Experience 1733
Sai Baba Blessed My Son With The Best Job

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Madhulatha From India Says:
This is Madhulatha and I am a member of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1246N1. I have started Mahaparayan in April 2019. Firstly I would like to thank all the organisers of the Global Mahaparayan. I want to share with you all how Baba helped my son to get his dream job.
My son was doing his masters in the US when I started Mahaparayan. He got a scholarship and fee waiver for all the semesters. He wanted to graduate in December even though his professors advised him not to because it is really difficult to get a full time job for December graduates in the US because of the holiday season. We left everything on Baba and went ahead with December graduation. So he graduated on December 17, 2019.
He was applying for as many companies as possible but his resume was not even picked for most of the jobs as he did not have experience. Finally one company picked his resume and started the interview process. He completed all rounds and we were eagerly waiting for the final result. He was hopeful of getting the job as he felt the interviewers were happy with his performance. I was praying Baba day and night but my son did not get any call from the company. I was very frustrated and forgot about Shraddha and Saburi and was actually blaming Baba. My son is very talented and hard working, so I did not understand why Baba was testing him for so long. Then one day I suddenly realised that there might be something better than this in store for us and so wanted to wait patiently for Baba’s decision.
We were also in a dilemma whether we should go for a consultancy or wait for a full time job as we were running out of time. To know Baba’s decision, I tried chits and Baba confirmed through chits that my son will get a full time role in January 2020.
On January 7, 2020 my son got a call from another company and the interview process started. He was selected for the final round and the final round was on Thursday. All the members of our family went to Baba’s temple on that day and as soon as I entered the temple, there was one sentence on display on the TV. “Don’t worry your prayers will be answered soon.” I was shocked. I felt Baba was telling me directly that my son will get through the final round. Next day was the result and I was pretty confident that he would get the job. He got a call around 1 pm on that day and was selected for the job.
He joined the job on Feb 10, 2020 and due to covid he was given work from home since March. In the month of April, the first company which did not offer a job to my son started layoffs and furloughs. Then I understood why Baba didn’t give that job offer to my son. Now I feel that this job was created only for my son by Baba. The company has applied for H1b for my son in June and his H1b was approved. We came to know about the news on Thursday after I completed reading my chapters, so I feel Baba is with us always to guide us in each and every stage of life.
Thank You Baba for everything.
Sai Devotee Madhulatha
#MP-Experience 1734
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When we leave it to Baba completely then only ‘THE BEST’ possible for us has to fall in our basket! Devotion or service to Baba never goes to waste. At times it may not yield the results as you desire as Baba knows what is best for us but still any vrat, penance, chants, jaap, seva, good deeds will come back to you in any form when most needed. Universe returns us multifolds, just as for one seed we get many fruits with many seeds. Living a life with good conduct and doing good deeds is also like serving Baba. May Baba give us the wisdom to live to the best of our potential and His expectations from us and thus get self realisation. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram