Life Changing Experience After Joining Mahparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Hi Sai devotees, I joined the Sai Mahaparayan group 3 months ago.
Previously I was neither a Sai devotee nor I knew about His life. I have never bowed before Him reverently. Past 3 years I have faced all kinds of downfalls in my life financially and emotionally. So I was looking for a change or hope to hold on. I saw one of my friends whatsapp status with this group and joined casually. I started reading every Thursday and got to know about Sai leelas. Our group has no captain so our class leader was asking volunteers for a leader. I thought I don’t have a good mobile phone( my phone screen has shattered and battery didn’t last long) to manage the group so I can’t volunteer. Within a week I got a new phone and next Thursday I was selected as a captain for my group.
Another life changing experience is moving to our new home. I was struggling in a rented house which is a penthouse with 2 toddlers and was planning to move to another rent or lease property. We had been searching for a house since last December but didn’t get any good deals. After a month of joining the Mahaparayan group my parents offered to buy us a house saying that they would offer half the amount and asked us to take the rest for a loan. But we were in a situation where we couldn’t afford a huge sum of EMI every month so we denied the offer but later we saw a ready built property and I liked it very much. So I believed in Sai and was very anxious whether the deal would be okay or not. I read experiences of Sai devotees and learned about Sai answers sites and asked Him to which He responded positively. Still I decided to complete the reading of Sai Satcharitra within a week. I started on Monday and with Sai’s grace completed reading on Thursday. Within 3 days i.e. Wednesday we paid advance for the property.
I thanked Sai a lot and started to believe Him as my saviour. I decided to complete the reading again before we pay the full amount. Somehow I managed to complete the reading on the same day of our property registration. Now I am writing this from our new home. I had never ever imagined in my life that I would buy a new home or I had never wished that it would happen this soon. Within 3 months Baba has showered me with His blessings. Whenever I am anxious, my little one who is 19 months old is used to say Baba Baba to me. It’s really a very big surprise because I have never said the word Baba to her. I don’t know how she learned that name. I thought Baba was asking me to believe in Him and stay calm through my baby. Gratitude, firm faith and patience is the thing I learned from Sai Satcharitra. Om Sairam.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1775
Three Wonderful Experiences During Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Anurekha From India Says:
Hello to all Sai Devotees!
I am Anurekha and I live in Chennai, India.
Through this email I am glad to share my experience which I have come across after I started the Mahaparayan .
I am an ardent Sai Devotee! I believe each and every thing which is happening in my life is all well taken care of by Sai Baba.
If it is good , then I feel Sai has blessed me. If it is a tough time, then I feel Sai is helping me to repay my karma and get rid of it.
It has been nearly 2-3 years since I have started Mahaparayan prayers.
First experience: It is about my daughter getting enrolled in a well recognized and reputed school. Her previous school had alot of management issues and didn’t get affiliated properly. It was high time for us to change her to another school. We had a tough time getting admission for grade 5. Sai made me wait for a while but then in the end my daughter got enrolled in a good school. Sai placed the right persons at the right moment in our life and helped us solve the admission issues.
Second Experience: We were a bit relaxed after changing our daughter’s school. All of a sudden new issues arose in my husband’s office. He is into the software developing industry. Situation forced him to resign from the job. While he resigned he was in a managerial post with a good pay. We were stunned by the situation. I was so scared about the monthly expenses like school fees, housing loan, rents etc. But by God’s grace we have a decent amount of savings. I prayed to Sai through Mahaparayan that my husband should get a nice job offer from a reputable company. This time also Sai guided us safely. We were in a Sai Baba temple when my husband got a call from HR of an IT company. Everything went fine and my husband took the offer. He joined new company just a week before the COVID pandemic started in India.Thanks to Sai Baba!
Third Experience:
During covid pandemic, my husband’s health got affected. For unknown reason he started losing weight drastically along with a severe cough. I was very worried and as always took shelter in Sai padukas. After a series of medical diagnoses, the doctor said that my husband has a mild TB infection in stomach and it can be cured with medication. I was very relieved. Sai stayed with us right through all medical procedures and made our issue smaller and curable.
“Trust and Patience ” is the main thing we have to follow to attain solace in Sai padukas.
Om Sairam!
Sai Devotee Anurekha
#MP-Experience 1776
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Life has to become wonderful with Sai and His teachings. When we bow and seek refuge at Baba’s feet wholeheartedly then we need not worry about anything. The more we fall at His feet the more we rise in life and come out of the problems. He will help us and guide us to clear our karmic debts. He can grant us anything provided we too help Him to help us by doing good deeds in thoughts and action as well. Keep believing and He will uplift you and your faith.Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai
Om SAI RAM…. Baba please help my elder one complete his education and get some stable income. Let him get good internship opportunities and also get absorbed in good MNC company for getting exposure to real time work. baba help him and be with him always baba. Help my younger baba to choose the right college and education and help him in his personal life too Baba. Keep me sumangali always baba. Om SAi rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏
🙏🏼🌹Om Sai Ram 🌹🙏🏼
Om sai Ram🙏
Please baba complete my leela and I will share with all🌹