Sai Baba Removed My Fiancé’s Sickness

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sri Laxmi From India Says:
Hi Team,
Today I want to share my experience and keep my word to Baba. Sorry, Baba for the late post. I am really sorry.
After our engagement, my fiance traveled back to his working place. When we were talking on the phone I got a feeling that he got sick. I told him to be careful but he didn’t care much. He got sick all of a sudden after two days with a full headache and body pains. I prayed to Baba to remove his sickness and I would post the experience here. The same evening he got the strength to wake up and go out to eat food. I was happy and relieved.
Thank You Baba. Thank You so much for listening to me and removing my worry. I am very grateful to You. Sorry for postponing writing this experience.
Om Sairam, Sri Sairam, Jai Sairam.
Sai Devotee Sri Laxmi
#MP-Experience 1915
Sai Cured Cancer Through A Dream

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Vidya Rao From India Says:
I am Vidya Rao, Blue House captain of the Global Mahaparayan Mp-9477N1 group.
I am sharing my experience which I experienced after I started reading Baba’s MahaParayan.
When I was sick I started believing Baba. I had tested and removed a cyst but the biopsy test showed cancer. My friend suggested that I read Sri Sai Satcharitra.
After three days I started reading. I had a dream in which one person was forcibly removed which pained me too much and I woke up screaming loudly. Then after a week, the report showed normal, No cancer at all! Then after a few days, I came across the chapter where it was narrated in Sai Satcharitra that Baba cures our ailments in our dreams. This really happened to me.
Baba cured my cancer in my dream and in real life also. This is my personal experience. I am so grateful to You, my Sai. Sai Ram Sai Shyam.
Sai Devotee Vidya Rao
#MP-Experience 1916
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Let not the small cysts of doubts accumulate in our mind to block our immense faith in our Sai Mom. Problems come in our life to wash our karmas and thus help us evolve too. There is no escape from karmas and unless Karmas are cleared we won’t get salvation. So let us always pray Baba to give us strength to fight problems, wash our karmas, help us do good karmas and thus merge in Him finally! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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