Faith Can Move Mountains

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Please keep the name anonymous. I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-9975N1. I joined MP as one of my friends suggested. I was not an ardent devotee of Sai until 2019. 2019 was one of the worst years I had to face. Later I started praying to Sai and things started getting better.
Once I joined MP, I started getting mental peace and started feeling that Sai has my back. In the time of Covid most people were losing jobs and the same thing happened in my husband’s office. There were layoffs on account of cost cutting especially at his level. We were literally scared and looking forward to what would happen. Also I never asked Sai to do this or that. I just prayed to Him wholeheartedly and asked Him to do what He feels best for us and what we deserve.
We were ready to accept whatever He intended to give us and thought that whatever He does He does as per what we deserve; be it good or bad. Later on this 10th Jan, my husband got a call saying that he got promotion, the role which he was aspiring for a long time.
We never thought he would get through the interview as there were 32 applications for just a single position. Sai connected all the dots for us (there were a lot of events that led him in getting this position) and I believe it was Sai Who helped us get through this and it was all His game. I am always grateful to Him and I strongly believe that if we pray to Him wholeheartedly He would move mountains for His devotees. Om Sairam.
I would also like to thank all the coordinators of MP for giving us an opportunity to be a part of the Global Mahaparayan Sai family.
Warm Regards.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1945
Sai Baba’s Leela In My Life

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Nandhini Savanth From India Says:
Dear Sai Prathiba,
This is with reference to the conversation we had today regarding my experience about Sai Baba’s leela. Please find the below details on the same:
I am a Shirdi Sai devotee Nandhini Savanth. I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-9192N1, blue house, Roll no -17. This is the first post on the Global Mahaparayan blog.
Baba has blessed me with His leela. We were running a business for the last three years. My husband was very much involved from morning 11.30 to night 1 o’clock. I was very much worried about his health as he is 62 years old.
One day in the afternoon I was sitting at the counter hearing Baba’s leela in my ear phone. Then I prayed Baba wholeheartedly to please relieve us from these difficulties in maintaining this business. After a week, we got an offer to sell the business to them at a reasonable price.
Even though we faced many hurdles, with Baba’s blessings we were able to hand over the business within one month. We remained with Shraddha and Saburi praying to Baba, believing that Baba will show us a way out, clearing all the hurdles. Within a month, we were able to sell our business and get rid of responsibility with Baba’s blessing. Same day evening we visited Shri Sai Baba Mandir for thanksgiving. I am grateful and blessed to be chosen by Baba.
Thank You Baba.
Sai Devotee Mrs Nandhini Savanth
#MP-Experience 1946
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us surrender in total to our Universal Father- Baba. He can scan our life and karmas of past many births. He is the wirepuller, omniscient and all pervading. Let Him take the charge of our life and then we need not worry about anything. Nothing is bigger than Him. When we start looking at Him then we need not look anywhere else. Have faith that He can resolve anything in a moment and that He will make everything fine. Faith can for sure, can make the mountains move. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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