Sai Taught Me That He Is In All Creatures

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Jayshrie From Malaysia Says:
First of all, thank You Baba for all Your blessings. Thank you Pooja ji and the entire team for this wonderful seva. Special thanks to the Class teacher of MP-126N1, Arivin ji for all his guidance since the start of Mahaparayan in September 2017. May Baba bless all of you.
Today (14 May 2020) I experienced a small miracle which shows Baba pervades all creatures. Since it is a Thursday, I stopped my car under a tree to start parayan. I didn’t have the Satcharitra book with me, hence I opened youtube and started listening to my allotted chapter.
It was about 12 pm noon and there was some bread inside my car. There was a bird on the tree and then it flew off. After some time, I felt like throwing three pieces of the freshly bought bread outside, so that any bird can have the bread since it was hot noon and they might be hungry. I have never done this before. After throwing the bread, the same bird which I had previously seen came back and sat on the tree. I was curious if the bird would ever pick my bread.
At this point, I stopped listening to my Satcharitra for a while since I got distracted. I told Baba, Baba, You have shown many miracles and Your presence to myself and many people, but sometimes, I don’t understand why I still doubt You at times. I know You’re everywhere but why are You not blessing my sister for a baby which we have been praying for the past five years and which at times even makes me a little doubtful if You are ever listening to our sincere prayers. With this thought, I told Baba that if the same bird picked my bread and ate it, then I would know that You are always listening to our prayer and will soon bless my sister.
Suddenly, the bird flew down and my heart beat fast to see if the bird would ever pick up my bread. I had goosebumps when I saw the bird with the bread flying up with the bread in its mouth and my heart started to beat faster and tears flowed down seeing this little miracle. I opened the car door and saw another piece of bread covered completely by flies. Another piece of bread (the third one) was missing. The area was clean, not sure how there could be so many flies.
This story reminds me of Baba’s sayings, I am with all creatures, movable and immovable. The idea of giving the bread was also actually inspired by chapter 9 (Baba fed sumptuously). One thing is for sure, Baba will never disappoint us though He might test us. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Jayshrie
#MP-Experience 2009
Sai Blessed Me With The Best Dream Ever

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Jayshrie From Malaysia Says:
Hi Pooja Ji,
Thank you so much for your wonderful Seva. Baba will bless you abundantly. I am from Malaysia, MP-126N1. I have always felt blessed to be part of this Mahaparayan since the start. Too many miracles, just too many, not that He has given answers for everything that is asked but He has shown that He is there, listening, and part of my life. His presence always made me feel great. Narrating a story of how I landed my dream job.
It was the 9th of March, I sent my resume. It is always my practice to do something important on the 9th as I believe it is Baba. Just after that, Malaysia was on national lockdown due to Covid and everything was halted including hiring. Then after a long wait, on 2nd July (Thursday), I was called for an interview scheduled on 8th July (Wed). I tried my luck to reschedule it to 9th July (Thursday) and they agreed. I knew it was Baba’s date and I did not want to miss that opportunity.
It was like a roller coaster ride in getting this job. Then, they sent an email saying that I was not selected. I was so sad. Then, after checking, they said that they were considering me for another role. I waited again and then after approximately a month, they called in again to discuss the compensation. However, after some time, they came back and said that they were taking a step back and might not be offering the job. Feeling dejected, however, I didn’t lose hope, but it did make me feel restless. I kept praying to Baba. I was doing Saptah Parayan, Naam Jaap and writing Sai Baba Jiva mantra, OM SAI NATHAYA NAMAHA. All of these helped me to keep my faith.
I got the best ever dream (1st Nov 2020) days before I got the good news. In my dream, a yellow bird came to me with a yellow letter in its mouth and said to me, “Baba asks to tell you that you have got this job.” I was left speechless when I woke up. My dad left us three years ago and he used to be called Kuruvi (bird in Tamil). My new employer’s corporate color is yellow. The color bird and the yellow letter were a positive sign, wasn’t it? It was just like Baba sending my own dad to tell me the good news. What a significant dream! Exactly on 12th Nov (Thursday) evening, I got my offer letter via email. I will be joining the company on 16th Dec 2020.
Thank You Baba for everything. Keep blessing each and every one. There is so much pain in the world today. Please shower all Your blessings to all.
Thank You and Om Sairam.
Sai Devotee Jayshrie
#MP-Experience 2010
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Thank you Jayshrie ji for sharing the beautiful Sai leelas which are amazing enough to instil immense faith in Sai. Just reading Satcharitra is not enough but implementing His teachings is what Baba expects us. He is everywhere and in every animate and inanimate thing provided we have that special vision to see Him or atleast that sense of feeling to feel Him. Dream big, work towards it and believe in Sai with patience; Sai will not disappoint you. He will soon bless you with abundance and bliss. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram, om sai ram, Om sai ram, Om sai ram, om sai ram, Om sai ram
Om Sai Ram🙏
OM SAI RAM .Had goosebumps while reading this .
Om Sai Ram ❤️🙏
Om Sai ram