My Story – A Big Thank You To Sai Baba

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Mona From the US Says:
Sairam! Without Sai Baba’s help, I would not have my puppy today. He is my second child!
We recently got a puppy. He is around 12 weeks old. He got stuck in a baby/ pet gate yesterday at about 3.45 pm. He was in so much pain. He was crying very loud and I cannot emphasise. It was a very loud cry! The whole scene has shaken me to the core. It was such an ordeal. I was panicking. My son who was very calm (I love his demeanour and maturity) helped me call 911. To my surprise they said that they would send first the available animal control people. I was anxious as they would take time, right?
My heart just sank as I was not sure how many hours it would take for them to come over to my house. I guess we have to understand because they are helping other pets too and we are in a pandemic zone but my pup was the top priority for me and his life! I wandered around in the neighbourhood trying to find a guy who could help me cut the metal gate.
I was looking for a stronger person than me who could actually stretch the metal bars/ rails. I went and rang my neighbour’s door bell. They were not at home. All along I was praying to Baba to just do something and get my puppy out of misery. Before I could go to the second house and check, I saw someone parking their car. I was about to ask them to come and help us but before that, I went back into my house to check on my puppy. Then I stood there praying and helplessly looking at my puppy. By Baba’s grace he himself wiggled and somehow got out of the gate. Yes he did it! This episode lasted from 3.45 pm to 4.07 pm yesterday!
He tried to come out with backward motion first and that’s when he cried so much. Oh boy that loud cry! I think after which he sat for 15 minutes not crying though and then luckily he stood up and went in the forward direction; he just wiggled himself out! Baba did some magic!
I feel my Baba helped my puppy and that’s it. Otherwise there was NO WAY that the puppy could free himself out that easily!
Pup is doing good, no pain and He is running around, eating normally today. Happy ending! Baba is with us all the time and I can’t thank Him enough.
Sai Devotee Mona
#MP-Experience 2063
Sai Came To our Rescue

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
My humble pranayam at Your divine feet my, Sai Baba. With the blessings of Baba and my parents, I am narrating my experience. Baba, please be with me to express Your leela, Your love and care.
This is the real incident which has happened to us recently and with Baba’s grace and love we are saved from this critical situation.
As you all know that it’s almost a year that we are dealing with this COVID pandemic and it’s really been a very tough time for all of us. We are really thankful that with Baba’s blessings and grace we are all safe.
My husband is working in Multinational company and due to this COVID situation and the restructuring that took place in the organisation the higher authorities decided to cut down the employees. This activity was continuing for almost 4 months to undergo the entire process of restructuring and finally in Oct’20 they came up with the final list of the people for lay off. We were in a dilemma that my husband’s name should not be there in the list, but unfortunately his name was in the layoff list.
We all were in real tension and did not know what to do. There was no prior intimation that he would be laid off. We were really in a lot of tension since the current market situation was also not so favourable to get the job quickly. He was given time for 2 months to search in another company or look for any internal opportunity in the same organisation. I really did not understand what to do since it all came suddenly and we really did not understand what to do. We only had 2 months’ time to take the action.
Then I decided that in this tough time there was only one person Who could save us and that was only my Sai, my Baba. I started doing parayan on a daily basis and chanting the Gayatri mantra. I was also doing jaap of “Om Sai Ram” 108 times. Daily I used to do the chanting and parayan because I have utter trust in my Baba. I knew that He would rescue us from this situation.
At the end of October we came to know that he had lost his job. Then in the first week of November there were multiple job openings that came in the same company. The option was given to the laid off employees that they could give an interview for those internal openings.
A small hope emerged that my husband said that he would give an interview and if things go well, his job would be safe. He prepared for the interview in the first week of November and results were supposed to be announced in the second week of November. On the interview day I applied Baba’s Udi on his forehead and wished him best luck. I had firm faith in Baba and knew that Baba will bring some miracles in our life. His interview went all well and on 11 th November he came to know that he had been selected for that position and he would get an offer letter soon. We were so happy, and I really thanked Baba for saving us from this situation.
I also had promised Baba, to share my experience after he got the offer letter. Who made this possible, Who did everything, Who was always with us is our Baba! I never felt that I was alone. He always stood by us in this situation and saved us.
Before concluding, I wanted to tell the whole world that Baba is there and if you have firm trust and love for Him, He will surely rescue us from all the problems. Keep chanting His name and do parayan. He is
always with us in all the situations. So have faith in Him and keep loving our Baba – our Sai.
May Baba fill everyone’s life with a lot of happiness and contentment.
Ya Sai, Om Sai Ram!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2064
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Be it the worst moment, situation or day of your life, just call Baba Sai Baba wholeheartedly and He will be there in some visible or invisible form and rescue us. Our unexpected rescue itself makes us feel and believe in His presence. Sai is our Maa too and cannot see His children in pain. Remember Him always and He would calm all the storms of your life and make you sail to the shore. Sai is the greatest hope in distress. Have faith and He will take care of your faith! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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