Sai Baba Is Always There For His Devotees

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shruthi From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I’ve been a part of the Global Mahaparayan. I experienced a lot of Baba’s leelas. What an omnipresent soul He is!
Back in 2015, He drew me towards Him through my friend. I then once fought with Baba and stopped worshipping Him. He again pulled me towards Him. He seeded my thoughts, ground my karma like wheat flour and many more. Our connection goes on.
Let me share my recent miracle. I was going for an exam to Chennai last week with my dad. I was telling Baba, “I’m not going to carry any of Your Udi or photo.” But I requested, Baba must be there and manifest Himself before I reach Chennai.
As I reached Chennai, I was so disappointed that I couldn’t find Baba’s photo. With sheer disappointment, I started saying before His photo that I will not talk to Baba as He didn’t come to Chennai with me, like a child annoying her mother.
After coming home my mom turned to me and said, “Didn’t you see Baba? I kept it in your bag as you left it on the sofa. But I failed to inform you.” You don’t be angry with Sai, as He travelled with you throughout. Hearing this my joy knew no bounds!
Such a God He is! I’m wonderstruck at His leelas.
What can we give Him that would please Him? Nothing rather than patience and perseverance.
Let us sankalp Sai Sai Sai and reach the feet of Vasudeva !
Sai Devotee Shruthi
#MP-Experience 3015
Sai Baba’s Grace

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Bhavna From India Says:
Hi I have been Baba’s devotee since I was a child. I love Him so much He has always been there with me in my ups and downs. With Baba’s grace I joined the Global Mahaparayan group no MP-1757N1 in May 2019. I am from Delhi. I want to share a recent experience of how Baba blessed my daughter with the best.
My daughter had taken her 12th boards and was not getting the college that she wanted. She got very dejected and lost her confidence completely as she scored 97.6 and was the school topper. Everyone at home was very upset. I too was upset and told Baba I would give her to You, I know You will do what’s best for her.
And there Baba did a miracle again and she got through a better college than the one she had wanted. That’s my Baba always there for you. You just have to completely surrender to Him. May Baba bless us always. Love Him so much. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Bhavna Sapra
#MP-Experience 3016
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Surely Baba can give us what no one has got, He can give what no one can give and He can also give even what is not in our fate. When we surrender our fate to Baba, all our stars will shine for us in the best possible way. Baba knows all our needs and what we deserve. He will accordingly give us the best when we seek shelter under Him. The extension of Baba’s support is unimaginable. We should have such faith in Baba that we are sure of what we hope for and be certain of what we do not see. He knows our past, present and future too. Our faith in Him will make miracles happen! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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