Sai Baba’s Sai Satcharitra Is A Panacea

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Deepa From India Says:
Dear Pooja ji,
I am Deepa from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1142N1 and I would like to share the power of Mahaparayan and Shri Sai Satcharitra. I have been doing Mahaparayan since March 2019. There have always been ups and downs in life but Baba has always extended His hand and has saved us from calamities.
I started Mahaparayan of Sai Satcharitra for 7 days hand in hand with the weekly Mahaparayan at the end of December 2020 as I wanted to start the New year with Baba’s blessings. On Thursday (7th Jan), I visited the Sai Temple near home and completed the reading of both the chapters and then left for the office as I wanted to complete some task (although we are still under conditional lockdown).
My colleague who sits beside me was also there and we had a good chat both days but I did not join her for lunch as I had brought my food from home. When she came back from lunch that Thursday and while conversing suddenly exclaimed that her good friend whom she had met 2 days back had to go for a Covid test as she had been in close contact with a Covid patient. My heart skipped a beat hearing this. I got very uneasy and afraid and decided to leave for the home quickly. I have 2 kids at home and my mind went far and away as I was not using my face mask inside the office and while speaking to her but my Sai Satcharitra was inside my handbag and I had Baba’s Udi on my forehead.
The next day my friend called and claimed that she had gone for the Covid test and was tested positive! I broke down and started crying nonstop and started imagining the worst. I sat in front of Baba and cried a lot and told Him to protect us as He was the only saviour in difficult and challenging times and told Him that I would give up eating something that I liked if my test results were negative. My husband and I wanted to go for a test the same night but we couldn’t get an appointment and my office then called all those who had a close contact to go for a test the following Monday morning. I was very upset and felt lost but I kept reading the Sai Satcharitra. My test was done on Monday and I waited for the results the next day but it got delayed and that caused more anxiety and stress. I couldn’t sleep well and eat well but kept Satcharitra on my bed while sleeping.
On Wednesday, I completed my Sai Satcharitra parayan and waited, however, all those who went for the test got their results except me. I waited and it was a real test of faith for me and finally, it was almost 2.30 pm and I forced myself to have some lunch as I felt like Baba was asking me to have my lunch first. Then, my husband called up the clinic to ask for my results and they apologised as they had typed my email address incorrectly and that caused the delay, however, I was so glad and relieved to hear that it was negative. I broke down and thanked Baba profusely as I had the highest chance of getting it positive given the proximity. I can’t thank Baba enough for protecting my family and me, Baba is truly our Mother and although it was a real test of faith and patience, He did come as a Helmsman and saved us.
My Baba, my loving Mother Sai! Thank you Pooja ji and the team for making this Global Mahaparayan part of our lives. It is truly a panacea.
Sai Devotee Deepa
#MP-Experience 3029
Faith Got Doubled

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan From India Says:
Hi Sairam!
Rajadhiraja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Shri Sachidananda Sainaath Maharaj ki Jai. I am a Sai Baba’s devotee and please keep my details anonymous. My faith in Baba doubled when I visited Shirdi in 2019. I had been planning to visit Shirdi since long with my family.
But unfortunately I couldn’t make the trip except to Shirdi. I was visiting different pilgrimage sites but not Shirdi. At last I visited in 2019 and that too was a big miracle. Baba told me to come to Shirdi in my dream with my family but still there was a big doubt whether we could go to Shirdi or not. Again Baba appeared in my dream and He Himself arranged for my travel, though the weather was very bad and whole Maharashtra was full of floods.
By Baba’s grace we made a safe trip to Shirdi. After the Shirdi trip miracles started happening in my life. Baba showed me a dream with a fulfilled desire. Then onwards my faith in Him has doubled. Before that I was a devotee of another God and now I became a devotee for Baba too.
Baba, please shower Your blessings on me and my family. Please save all Your devotees from struggles and shower Your blessings.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3030
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Satcharitra in handbag, Udi on the forehead, Baba’s name on the lips, His remembrance and teachings in the mind, love for Him in the heart and faith and patience tied to our soul are enough to shield us against all odds and thus help us sail across. 'Sai' name itself is the Panacea - The one solution for all the problems; capable enough to double our good fate and blessings. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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