Global MahaParayan Is Sai’s Means Of Protecting Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Lekshmi From UAE Says:
Sairam Everyone. So blessed to be part of this group. I am Lekshmi from the UAE. I have joined Mahaparayan in October 2019: This was after so many failed attempts from the main experience page. Every time when I tried to register, I got blocked at the final steps. Finally I got the whatsapp group link from an MP experience which I chanced upon. When I was starting, I didn’t have any specific wish as I was going through so many difficulties and was very close to Swami. It just occurred to me that it would be good to be part of the Global Mahaparayan and by Baba’s grace joined the MP-5406N1 Jayalakshmi Sai group. When I started reading the devotees’ experiences of MP, I thought of noting down any important events every month just to see how it was affecting my life. Here’s the summary; please feel free to omit/delete anything as you wish.
Though I was doubtful as to whether I will be able to do the parayan every week, Swami has adjusted everything in such a way that I was able to do it on all days without fail and the conclusion day Arathis were done without any hindrances. Now that one year has completed, I thought I will share my journey with you all as I want to share how good was the decision to be part of the Global Mahaparayan! I would like to thank Pooja ji for this initiative. You are doing a great work by organising this and I used to be surprised as to how you dedicate your time for writing a personalised note to every MP experience posted in the page. As she rightly said in the messages, the group praying is more effective than we do it alone.
To start with my experiences, when I was starting the Global Mahaparayan, we as a family of three have gone through so many worries with regards to my husband’s health as he had undergone two kidney transplants in the five years from 2014 to 2019. Going to emergency at midnight became normal for us and every time Swamy used to take care of us after the big storms.
To start with how it was earlier: In 2014 – on one fine day without any previous history of illness, my husband was identified to have chronic kidney disease – it was so shocking as we used to think we were very healthy in all aspects and never expected something like this would happen in our early 30’s. Life turned upside down; to dialysis rooms and by God’s grace to transplant ( with his sister as donor) within 2 months. It was all quick and we thought all was over by then. But it was never stable afterwards with one or other issues; which finally led to a finding after one year that he has some underlying issues which can cause recurrence of the kidney disease. Back to dialysis again by 2015 which continued till 2018. All these years Sai was with us in all difficult times and we somehow were not complaining but were just praying to help us and to be with us.
Second transplant was done in 2018 September; though it was better at the start, again unexpected issues and surgical procedures needed within one year. Last surgical procedure was done in July – August 2020 but follow ups were required every month and we used to have BP fluctuations and injections all for the following months.
October 2019: Started the Global Mahaparayan and till this day just because of Baba’s grace my husband never had to be in hospital other than normal check ups! It’s really a miracle for us! Once I started the Global Mahaparayan, by Swami’s grace we didn’t have to face anything like before and the entire one year has gone without any bad experiences or emergency visits to hospitals. An outsider may feel it as simple or as a coincidence, but I am sure it’s just because I am part of this. Swamy was always with us, but I used to pray less as compared to the earlier difficult times and still if this has to happen – The only reason is that I am part of the Global Mahaparayan! I don’t have a second thought or doubt on this. That it’s just because I am part of this group prayer which protects me and all around me. If anyone thinks to quit MP, I am requesting you please don’t as this MP is an unseen protection by Swamy Himself .
When the next season of parayan began on October 25, my allotted chapter was Chapter 13 – which is our family’s favourite chapter– “Diseases cured by Sai” – another blessing and message from Sai.
As a family we believe it’s all because of our ever-loving Sai’s blessings and to be specific it is because we are part of this Global Mahaparayan. Earlier too Sai was always with us whenever we were in need, but now that our prayers are multiplied by each one of you who are part of this parayan with full devotion and this is now helping and protecting us with a stronger cover than what was there before. Not asking anything more Swami, just be like this to us and bless us to be like this always. May Swamy bless you all in abundance!
Sai Devotee Lekshmi
#MP-Experience 3041
My One Year Experience Of Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Lekshmi From UAE Says:
November 2019, Saved from furniture mishap: While in the kitchen the entire cupboard with the cooking range hood fell down and I stood motionless for one minute trying to understand what was happening. All the glasses, plates, cupboard everything together broke down and just fell around me – I did not get even a single scratch! I thought it as a coincidence but just to check Swami I asked Him to give an indication and within two days I came across an article wherein a story, it was mentioned about how Baba saved the devotees from a building mishap in Dwarakamai- same like what I had gone through!
December 2019:
Shirdi trip after 2 years with so many Miracles – I have shared it in the main page:
My husband’s kidney function values became better and frequency of consultation lessened.
All my health issues found out three months before were sorted out with all values coming normal which was surprising as the doctor thought it would be the other way round with my weight gain.
One of my research papers was selected for publication, which I couldn’t do in the previous year.
January 2020: I asked on one parayan day to help my uncle as his ECG showed problems. After the Angiogram, doctors informed me that no blocks were present and only some habits needed to be changed.
February 2020: I presented my paper in a conference and it was well received. That day I asked Sai to be with me and prayed to come in my favourite colour on live darshan. Half an hour before my turn of presentation, the dress changed into Samadhi and it was my favourite colour to assure me that He is always with me.
My husband was doing fine these months with no specific issues on consultation.
Saved from another kitchen mishap: One entire night my gas was on and the water in the cooker completely dried up. A carelessness like this happened for the first time in my life and when I entered the kitchen it was so hot there and I don’t know how the night was over without any danger. It could have been so much worse and I don’t know how to thank Sai for saving us and all around us.
March 2020: Check ups are all fine for my husband.
On my birthday, my Shirdi trip experience came on the experience blog. From March onwards we three – me, my husband and son; all were able to stay at home or work from home till June without going outside. This was a real blessing, as my husband was not allowed to go out based on doctor’s advice. He was supposed to go for check ups in alternate months to India, but due to covid constraints we were advised not to travel. Luckily he was able to do online consultations and few check ups here itself without going to India and by Baba’s grace all the values were okay. This was a real surprise as this was the first time after the second transplant we were not going to the main hospital for check ups and that too without any complications.
July 2020: My sister too started Mahaparayan on my advice while she was going through some difficult situation and was so much relieved as she was getting the feeling of being close to Baba after so many years.
August 2020: For the past 6 months my husband didn’t go anywhere outside other than a few blood check-ups. In the second week of August there seemed to be a high BP episode and I was a bit worried and I wholeheartedly prayed to Baba. I was sure that being part of the Mahaparyan, nothing will happen, but still I was worried. By Baba’s grace it was back to normal after the next day.
In August itself almost at the same time, there was another piece of good news too. I was worried about going back to my work place again in September as the covid cases were rising. By Baba’s grace we got one more extension to work from home till December.
September 2020: My son was selected for various competitions and was winning all – so many times the chances and timing were coincidental. He used to do the same way in the previous years as well, but this time it was all good results and his hard work was paying off. He even got the chance to be part of a national event from the Government. I am sure all these are because the blessings of Sai are with our family.
October 2020: One year completing my MP journey. Two days before the final parayan, my son was selected among high academic achievers from school. It was something which he was wishing for a few years and Swamy blessed him.
As I shared earlier too that when the next season of parayan began on October 25, my allotted chapter was Chapter 13 – which is our family’s favourite chapter– “diseases cured by sai” – another blessing and message from Sai.
As a family we believe it’s all because of our ever-loving Sai’s blessings; and to be specific it is because we are part of this parayan. Earlier too Sai was always with us whenever we are in need, but now that our prayers are multiplied by each one of you who are part of this parayan with full devotion and this is now helping and protecting us with a stronger cover than what was there before. Not asking anything more Swami, just be like this to us and bless us to be like this always. May Swamy bless you all in abundance!
Sai Devotee Lekshmi
#MP-Experience 3042
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai says as is one’s faith and feels intensely so he realises accordingly. Mahaparayan is just not reading two chapters every Thursday but a Global Mass prayer where lakhs of devotees across the globe read two chapters and collectively complete thousands of complete parayans and thus adding so many positive vibes into the Universe. When we read in Mahaparayan we too get virtually connected to that circle. I feel Satcharitra, Udi and Mahaparayan as Sai Himself Who will take the form of a doctor, guide, teacher, friend, saviour, shield and what not as per the devotees’ faith and prayers. Mahaparayan is a blessing and Baba’s gift to His children to serve Him and work upon our karmas. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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