Fulfilling Sai Baba’s Order Through Mahaparayan

Fulfilling Sai Baba’s Order Through Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Pooja From India Says:

I am Pooja Chadha, part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-5192, Roll no.23. With His blessings I have experienced His presence and miracles many times. I hope I will share all of them with all the Sai devotees.

But today I am here to share the experience of how and why I became a part of this auspicious and spiritual venture – ‘The Global Mahaparayan’. It’s true that we all are an instrument of Baba ji and it all depends on Him only when, where and how it should be played.

One night i.e; in the year 2018 (year of Sai Baba’s 100th anniversary), I got a dream that I was going to the Hanumanji temple which is in front of Samadhi Mandir, Shirdi. Four to five stairs are there,  which I was taking. While walking, I saw a Baba’s Vigraha (statue) on the last step which was totally white in colour. As I touched His feet, It became alive. I can feel that touch of His lotus feet on my fingers till now and of course it is unforgettable till my life. I was not able to see in His eyes and continuously on His feet. 

Suddenly then a voice came, “I  am in front of you, you don’t want to speak anything?” 

I was just speechless but still I only said “Baba I have made many mistakes in my life, please try to forgive me for that and wash all my sins.”

Sai Baba said “ It’s very common to make those kinds of mistakes in this yug (era), so don’t worry about that.” He then put His blessing hand on my back, which also I can still feel and can’t forget that blessed touch.

 He then said, “Read Satcharitra and follow the lessons in your life and try to spread those lessons to as many people as you can in this world.”

 I asked Him, “I will definitely follow the lessons to myself but how can I spread those lessons to the world?”

 He just only showed His blessing hand, smiled slowly and just said “Read Sai Satcharitra” and suddenly He again became into the statue form.

I have tried many times to read Satcharitra on a regular basis but can’t do that and the time goes on. I am sorry Baba for such a long delay. But from the last 2 months I was becoming very restless and unrelaxed by thinking that I’m not following Baba’s order and I should  start doing that anyhow and in any way. 

In May 2020,  late night I just opened my phone and start searching the way how I can spread the lessons of Satcharitra. There I came across and read about the Global Mahaparayan and decided to join this. Next morning when I was sitting in my room thinking just to join or not, I was confused whether I can follow this for one year or not. 

At that time I felt somebody pushed me and said, “Pooja, what are you waiting for? This is the only way to fulfil Your Baba’s first order by reading Satcharitra wholeheartedly and following its teachings.” 

I joined and got the group within 3 days of registration.

Now  I was thinking about His second saying to spread the lessons as much as I can to the whole world.  I got the answer by spreading the knowledge about this Mahaparayan session to the people as much as I can. They themselves read and learn the lessons on their own, as  when I asked Baba about how it will happen, Baba’s last word was “Read Satcharitra.”

Besides Babaji,  I’m really thankful to the whole Global Mahaparayan team for giving me the chance to be a part of this spiritual and auspicious Mahaparayan.

The second miracle is that I got a dream right at that time (2018) when this whole Global Mahaparayan started. This proves Baba plans everything before giving us orders but it’s just that He will make us reach there when He wants us to reach there. Om Sai Ram!

Sai Devotee Pooja

#MP-Experience 3059

Miracles Experienced Through Global Mahaparayan  

Miracles Experienced Through Global Mahaparayan  

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee  From India Says:

Om Sairam!

To all Sai devotees of the Global Mahaparayan, I  would like to share this beautiful experience that I had witnessed with Sai’s grace. From the day I started knowing Sai, I have always experienced beautiful positive vibes and there have been so many miracles taking place every day in my life in one or the other way. There are a number of miracles that I have experienced by Sai’s blessings and here I would like to share a few among them particularly with the Global Mahaparayan. 

I got to know about the Global Mahaparayan through one of my sisters and I started reading Sai Satcharitra. A few days after I started reading Mahaparayan I prayed to Sai to get me a new job with a better package and to my surprise, on one Thursday I had just finished my Mahaparayan and one of my friends texted me asking to send my resume so that he could refer me to his company with a good package. I attended the interview and I was selected. Thanks to Sai. 

Time passed and I continued to read Sai Mahaparayan. I had to go through a tough time when our family had to face a financial crisis where we were stuck in a huge problem and had all the doors closed. No one came to our rescue and I had no option to come out of the problem except asking Sai to save me. I prayed to Sai that I will post my experience in the Mahaparayan group if He saved me and my family from this financial burden that we were facing. I knew that only Sai could save us now and guess what? He did! Our beloved  Sai came to our rescue and He helped us.  I was so overwhelmed by His grace. 

Through this experience I realised that it’s important for us to be patient and believe in Shraddha and Saburi. Trust me that once we pass His test, He will hug us with all love and kindness and fill our lives with eternal peace. Let Sai shower all His blessings on everyone who chant His name. 

Thanks to the Global Mahaparayan group 

Anonymous Sai Devotee 

#MP-Experience 3060

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Thanks Pooja ji for sharing such a beautiful piece of Sai leela which again proves how Sai is directing and pulling His devotees in the global Mahaparayan. You can spread His teachings across the globe to as many people as you wish by taking up some seva as a captain, class teacher, vice principal and so on. Once Baba has pulled you here and if you wish He will show you the way too. 

Mahaparayan will help us get closer to Baba, will remind us constantly of His leelas and stories and thus burn our sins. When our sins will get burnt good things will start searching us and will reach us at Baba's timing. Through Mahaparayan Baba also gives us an opportunity to serve Him in various ways and further helps us wash our sins. Not all get the opportunity to read or serve in Mahaparayan; only the chosen ones are chosen by Baba! Thank You Baba for everything and for all Your love and care. Keep believing Him and life will soon take a U-turn. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg



Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com

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  1. I feel the ‘Miracle’ feedback should be discontinued.
    Or if the feedback is a Must,please use the word ‘Blessings’ instead.
    I say this with due respect to all Devotees.
    Faith moves Mountains, not miracles….Miracle is that sinners like us are reading a treasure trove as Sai Satcharitha.
    Sai Ram

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