Shirdi Sai Devotee Dr. Pooja Chawla From India says:
Om Sai Ram to all devotees. I would like to share the experience with what I was recently blessed by Baba. Baba, thank You so much for joining me in the Mahaparayan group.
I am Pooja Chawla from Punjab and I love my Sai very much. I don’t know how to start. First of all I bow my head in front of Baba. My Sai can make impossible things happen so easily. I am very thankful to Pooja Garg for making me a part of Mahaparayan group I am in MP-Utkarsh group roll no. 18. Thank you Pooja. I have experienced many miracles of Baba. But here I am narrating the recent one that happened yesterday only.
I am a Pharmacy student. I have done my graduation, post graduation and Doctorate in Pharmacy. I am working as a Professor in an Institute. But I had a wish in my heart that I wanted to qualify GPAT exam (exclusively for Pharmacy people) that I had never appeared for. This year I filled up the form in Nov 2018 and the test was to be conducted on 28th January 2019. Initially I prepared for the test but later on due to my tight schedule in job and responsibilities towards my family, I could not prepare very well. I was a bit worried. But finally on the day of 28th Jan., I appeared for the exam and I was surprised and a bit embarrassed (which I did not show) when I came to know that my students were also there in the same exam centre.
Just for few minutes, I thought what they will think if I do not qualify but after that I remembered my Baba and He told me that there was no need to think about anybody else. I attempted the questions very carefully with full concentration and focus. I tried to attempt only those questions which I was sure about as there was negative marking also. I said to Baba “It’s totally dedicated to You. If I don’t qualify, I will prepare next time with my utmost dedication and if I qualify at all, It will be Your victory and success and not mine.” The result was supposed to be declared on 8th Feb (Friday). I wished it to be declared on a Thursday. Then a thought came in my mind that days do not matter. It’s all Baba’s will. Yesterday, (6th Feb) when I was coming back from my office, I was informed that the result had been declared. When I reached home, checked my result, my joy knew no bounds and I jumped with joy to know that I had qualified with 163 marks (the cut off marks were 141) and 97.92 percentile and all India rank 846. I thanked Baba time and again and it was not me who had scored these marks, its Baba Himself. Thank You Baba for everything. He fulfils wishes of His devotees. Love You Sai! Please keep on showering Your blessings upon me and my family and all Your devotees.
Om Sai Ram.
Pooja Chawla
When a devotee surrenders in total to Baba then it is Baba Who takes care of all the things of His devotees be it health, wealth, honour, position, success and spiritual upliftment as well. So let us have wholehearted devotion and complete surrender at Baba’s feet and keep doing our best; Baba will never let us down. Then Baba will also help us to qualify the toughest exam of life and reach Him(selff realisation).😊 Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 561
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Really great leela..Sai made me notice that if you add up the digits of her rank 846 and percentile 97.92, then it comes up to 9, which is again Baba's number 🙂
Jai Sai…Your ways are inscrutable…
Very true!!!!!!!
Jai Sai Ram
Jai Sai Ram
Om shree sairam
Om sairam
Sai Baba is great …he shows his leela even in small matters ..ever since I have started parayanam all good news are delivered to me on Thursdays…I bow down to my baba🙏🙏
Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai Om Sai OmmSainathaya namaha🙏🙏🙏🌺🏵️🌷🌻
Om sai ram sabka Malik ek…sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai sai
Om Sai Ram
Jai Shri Sai Ram ��
Om Sairam
Jai Sairam. No impossible for Said. Anything may happen at anytime
It's all true I am also lot of experience from which I saved
Jai sairam
Jai Sairam
Om Sai ram 🙏🙏
Om sai ram….baba 😍😍
Jai sai ram
Om sri sai ram
Sai is always with us
jai Sairam
Jai Sairam
Om Sai Ram
Jai Sairam.. Sai bless us all…very true .. Sai parayan has indeed changed the way I anxieties are no more… as you said…I believe in Sai would truly hold our hands and take us through… guiding us
True Baba knows what each of His devotees desire n whom should be give what.He looks only the sincerity in devotion
Om Sai Ram.
Om Sairam Baba is there to support all of us.
Om Sai Ram Baba is there to support all of us in the needy time
Om Sai Ram. Very inspiring experience. Sai always takes care of those who completely surrenders to him….
Congratulations and baba blessings will be showered all the life.
Om sairam
Jai sai ram.
Meri life m miracle kb hoga baba kb aayenge :'(
Really it's Baba's blessings
Om sairam good
Om Srisairajaram
OmSai Ram.Sai bless you and every one those who surrender completely.
Om sree sainadhaayanamaha
Om sree sainadhaayanamaha
Om Sree Sainaathaayanamaha
Om Sree Sainathaayanamaha
Om Sree Sainaathaayanamaha
Sai is great, always he is with us in all times – Sai ram
Om sai ram
Om Sai Sree Sai Jai Jai Sai
Om Sai Ram…..
om dai ram
Om Sai Ram
Pooja's experience makes a trust on baba for all of us. Very soon every one can declare their experiences by Baba's blessings.
Leela you are so lucky…all the best .om Sai ram
Pooja you are so lucky…all the best…om Sai Ram 🙏
Im a great sai devotee from Malaysia.Om Sai Ram to all devotees.Firstly i would like to thank Pooja Garg for making me part of this Mahaparayan.It has given me wonderful leelas and i personally have been experiencing many miracles.Today i want to share my latest miracle.Bofore that i bow my head at baba's feet.
It was totally a miracle for me as…I was at my sisters place and there came a malay traditional doctor to have a look at my father who was still sick after a modern medical treatment.He checked my dad and suddenly said to me that my husband might have health issues soon.I was shocked and manage to talk to him over the phone the following day and he told me that my husband mighy be facing big problems at his work place and he will fall in life due to all other issue.He also said that my husband will start consuming alcohol and smoking habits due to his stress in 6 months time.All of these issues will finally lead to big problems between me and my husband. He than asked me for a big ammount of money which was rm30 thousand to help me to solve the problem.He was sure after his doings(traditional prayers) my husband will not face any problems and will be very successful in life and his business too.I was shocked as i didnt have that big ammount of money with me.And couldnt tell my husband as he would not trust this kind of people.I had sleepless nights thinking of this issues.All i could do is to pray to my Sai and tell him all my problems.Deep in my heart i know my Baba will ease this problem for me.However,i still had the fear things might happen the other way.I finally kept calm and let all my sorrows to Baba.I prayed hard to Baba and finally my prayers were paid off.Now it has been almost 2 years since the whole situation took place.Everything seems very smooth with Baba's presence.All i did to prayers at Baba's feet and requested him to safe my family.
We are so happy now with 3rd baby coming on her way to us and financially being so stable as my husband's business picked up so well with Baba's help.Thank u Baba for everything.Love u Baba.Please continue showering your blessings upon me and my family and all.the other devotess.We love u Baba.Without you my life is empty.OM SAI RAM.