Farewell Gift – Lord Sai Baba’s Idol With His Assurance

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Shirdi Sai Devotee Sri Laxmi
from India says :
My post is about my farewell gift which was Lord Sai Baba’s Idol
assuring that He is there for me.

I’m a working in MNC Company. I resigned due to health issues which I got because of night shift. I really don’t know how I realized that I was unable to work and concentrate on the things I did. It was because of working in the odd hours which affected my health very badly, my memory power as well as my patience level. Not one thing but I had changed completely. When I couldn’t do the work only then what was the use of working in the office. I felt like this and told my manager that day itself. I left everything to Baba to let Him do whatever He wants.

Last day of my office, I had planned to go out with my friends and then to the office directly. We all met and had fun playing games. We started to go to a restaurant to have dinner. I heard my friends whispering about the gift. I understood that they were planning to give me a gift. I said no need we will just eat and go to the office as there was no time left to buy the gift and we had to do login in the office. They told it was team money not theirs. They had to buy else whole team would be angry. Then we cancelled our dinner plan and decided to buy the gift. I told then buy me bag as a gift. We stopped near a bag shop and then I didn’t like anything. I told them that I had 5 to 6 bags and so no need of bag and that we would go. Then one of my friend asked, “do you want Teddy?” I said yes excitingly. I myself told them about the gift shop on the way. We went inside and saw the teddies but the price was thrice than the normal price and it was out of the budget. I told them it was all upto them and that I would take anything. I asked them to choose whatever they wanted.

Then they decided to give 3 to 5 different small gifts. They saw Sai Baba’s idol and they asked me if I liked it? I said it was their wish and they could give whatever they wanted. At that time I dint feel anything. OK nice Baba is coming to me I thought. My friends told let’s have dinner and then go to the office. We had dinner also. We went to the office. In team meeting they gave me a gift. I naturally opened the gift as if I didn’t know anything. When I opened it was our Baba, radium statue, He was glowing like anything. I really felt like Baba came to me when I took Him into my hands. I dint speak anything for 2 to 3 minutes. I told thanked everyone.

I felt that Baba came to me to take care of me Himself again. I was little bit worried that when would I get job and how I would manage without money. But then I felt like Baba is there to give everything to me like how He gave me 2 jobs on a Thursday only. It was all upto Baba then. Let Him give me a good job or a good husband. Let Him plan. I will not think of anything.
Some peace I felt. I dint worry anymore then.

My friends told that no one had got such a farewell till then in our team. Everyone likes you and so they all came forward. We all will miss you. One by one they gave gifts to me. I felt so much of love. I was so happy.
All this was because of Baba. He always told to give, to share, and forgive others.
Baba taught me to be good to others no matter what they do to you, how they behave with you. I do the same, even though my friends treat me badly sometimes I keep quiet and say it to Baba and leave it to Him. In one day I will forget that and I will become normal with them.
The way Baba changed me is the reason I am loved by everyone.
Thank You Baba. Thank You so much for giving me lots of love, care and affection through my friends.

What I want to say is that even a leaf will not move without Baba’s grace, I always believed in that. Today again He proved that He had planned to come to me.
Actually there is a staff who always buys a gift for anyone in the team. But in the last moment staff gave collected money to my friend and told my friend to buy team’s gift for me. When my friends got Saturday and Sunday to buy gift, they dint buy. On Monday when we came out, they had planned to buy. Somehow it ended in my ears. I also asked for the bag, teddy and then I gave up and told them to buy whatever they liked. They ended up taking Baba’s statue. Destiny is that no one knew that gift gallery. I myself took them to that gift gallery where Baba’s idol was available. I feel like it was all Baba’s plan.
It was a radium statue which I always saw in shops and thought to buy when I would have money.
I’m very happy, thankful and grateful to Baba for coming to me in such a beautiful way.
I also felt that Baba is assuring me that He is with me always and taking care of me. I felt like now everything good will happen to me. He came to protect me.

Some of them gave dairy milk silk chocolates to me. Those who never spent even a single rupee they also had bought for me. I felt very special. The person whom no one likes came and gave a silk with sweet kiss on my cheeks. I felt loved. That person is not my friend but we are just colleagues and we have even fought so many times. Like this I got unexpected gifts from my team and friends. OTHER friends gave 6 pairs of ear rings which I had not expected at all.
These chocolates and earrings might be very small gifts but the love, care, affection from them was so heart full because the word GIFT didn’t exist for the people around me. It was like all my 18 months I spent in giving but I never got anything from others. My other friends used to get always chocolates or something from others. I felt bad that why I dint get any friends who give me and why I always feel like giving? Why Baba why? I used to feel like this. But today I realized that the love, care, affection I got was much more than those who got chocolates every time.
Baba rewarded me by coming to me, giving me the silk chocolates for which I always looked for. I got one big dairy milk miniatures box as gift which was again Baba’s blessing through my friend.
Don’t think this as silly. Whenever I go to my friends who are in the other team, I see daily one silk chocolate given by one man. I used to feel Baba why don’t You give me also, I give so much to everyone without having to myself, seeing others hungry I give my snacks to them. Still You don’t give to me. And at the end, Baba answered me, He gave me what I wanted, He gave me the chocolates from my team members, even from those who don’t take their money out for anyone at all. It was a very, very big thing for me.

I even got warning that I should not give a single bite to anyone in the team. I was told that I alone had to eat it and I should not share it with anyone. Because no one likes each other in the team and they didn’t want to share with their enemies.

This might look all funny, silly like school children to you all, but this makes me feel that the team members who are all against each other kept all their stupid feelings aside and came forward together to celebrate my farewell party. This was the 1st Farewell party done in the team. I felt special. Thank You Baba.

Not only this farewell but last farewell party was also very surprising, because when staff moves from one team to another team, they just move. But in my case, my manager planned for team lunch at barbaque, got sling bag as gift from the team where team doesn’t show interest in going out and spending money as they feel it’s waste of money. But everyone came to my farewell. In front of me only, senior staff argued that why do we have to do all this planning for just fresher staff and that senior staff even pinched me hardly with a sarcastic smile saying you are getting everything. That was also one big thing for me where I got love care respect in the team.
It is very common to buy gifts in farewell party.
But in my life, I worked with people who don’t give money for anything, who all are spoiler’s spot, where farewell party is only not done. Many staff left the team but nothing was done for them even the official announcement was also not done. But in my case, everything was different, I got gifts, chocolates which I always craved for from unexpected people, set of 6 pairs of earrings and the most beautiful part is Baba’s Radium idol.
My first teams outing was my farewell party lunch, ha ha just imagine how my managers and team members lived with controversies and going against each other. They told me, it was because of you we are coming and the manager also had interest in giving me the farewell party. After me, one staff and the manager himself also left the team, but none did a farewell party or gave gifts to them. It’s only me who got gift and farewell party at barbaque.

In second team also the same happened.
Before I left one staff left, there was no official announcement or cake cutting or even a formal goodbye to that staff. But I, I got farewell party, gifts.
Now I feel I’m lucky enough to have all these. It’s all because of Baba’s blessings to be happy.
Thank You Baba for making me Unique and a person who is loved by everyone. Thank You for making my heart and brain to think and follow Your good path.

I again understood that if I follow Your path with patience and faith in You, I will become a very good and a beautiful human being.

I will take this statue as my reward from You(Baba) for the way I lived and behaved in the office.
Haha, Your leelas are very unique, I never expected that I will get gift from the people who don’t even take a penny out and that too with so much of love with a kiss.

You again taught me money is nothing. Love, care, affection and respect makes us happy than money.
Though I didn’t earn money much, I got so much of love, care, affection and respect wherever I go. It’s all because of the way I am. If I am like this today it’s because I follow Your words and Your path. Its all because of You Baba.

Thank You so much for giving me everything which none got in my team so far.
Sri Laxmi

When we have a Sadguru like Sai Baba and we are able to follow His teachings and walk on the path shown by Him with Faith & Patience then what do we have to worry for? If we follow the path shown by Baba then He will be pleased and destiny too shall open new doors which no one can shut. All things will fall in place automatically, unexpected will become expected, black will become white, night will become day and impossible will become possible. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

Pooja Garg

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