Shirdi Sai Baba’s Grace And Leela During Mahaparayan Time MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Parvati Devi Meka from Canada says: I am from MP-89 group. I am a Sai devotee for many years and experienced many of His miracles. We immigrated to Canada in 2001 and I was missing my family in India and felt so lonely, became more close to Baba and He is everything for me. I would like to share one of my recent experiences which happened during the time of Mahaparayan.

My elder son and daughter-in- law are studying medicine and they are both going through the interview process for their fellowship. Both of their programs are highly competitive. My son was accepted into the program he was looking for and somehow my daughter-in-law did not. So she applied for a research fellowship in Cleveland and she was accepted but she didn’t sign the contract.

Then almost the same day she came to know that her current hospital was starting a new fellowship program of her interest and she applied for it. I was praying Sai to take care of her so that they both can stay together and do the program she likes the most. She attended the interview on Friday, March 2nd and she was told that she would know the results in a week.

I prayed to Baba to help her to get into the program and to let her know the results of this interview before the Cleveland clinic sent her the contract. I texted my son on Monday to ask if there was any good news. He immediately texted me back saying probably Wednesday. I again prayed to Baba to let her know before she receives the contract and immediately Baba showed me His index finger, telling me to wait.

I was mesmerised with the experience while I was working and within couple of minutes He showed me the sign of victory with His two fingers. I was so happy and tears were coming from my eyes and I was just sitting at my desk. I couldn’t stop crying for a while. The next day, Tuesday March 6th I came back from work and gave some food for my younger son and husband before they left for soccer practice.

I started reading the Vishnu Sahasra Nama and was about to start Dhyanam part. The phone started ringing and I decided not to attend and continue reading. Soon after my cell phone started ringing then I thought it should be my elder son and decided to tell him that I would call him later. After, I called him back and my daughter-in-law picked up the phone and she said that she got the Fellowship. I was so amazed and happy with Baba’s response. Thank You for taking care of us Baba. Please bless this world with happiness and peace. Jai Sairam.

Om Sai Ram
Parvati Devi Meka

We are extremely blessed to have Baba by our side always Who is the most merciful and concerned for us all the time. None can equal His love for us. Thank You Baba for choosing us as Your devotees. Love You Sai Maa. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

-Pooja Garg

#Experience 224

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

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