Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Uma Ravi from Singapore says: Sai Ram and pranams at the Lotus Feet of Shirdi Babaji. I am Uma from Singapore and with His grace I managed to get into the Mahaparayan Group at the last minute. I am very grateful to Pooja Garg and all the coordinators who went all out to form the grouping etc. so that we all are part of this one big family.
I have had a few good experiences since starting on this Mahaparayan journey. To all those Devotees who think they have not had experienced any so called miracles then please look around you; you must have missed them. There are lots of miracles with our Shirdi Sai being with each one of us every second of the day. For some the experiences could be just coincidences or synchronicity but for sure they are always there.
I wish to share this particular experience. It happened a few weeks ago. It was an early morning and we were going to work, my husband started his car and was connecting the bluetooth to pair with his mobile as he wanted to play Christmas carols during our car journey. His phone always takes the priority in the bluetooth pairing as he uses his phone for office calls etc. But that day, the bluetooth just refused to connect with his mobile. It just kept skipping his phone connection and the keyboard display on the car said “Connecting to Uma’s phone “again and again. So finally we gave in and the bluetooth connection was with my mobile and it connected itself to the Ganesha Bhajans album and we were enjoying both the music and bhajans.
About five minutes into the journey (with Ganesha bhajans in the background) I started to narrate to my husband, a Mahaparayan Experience that was posted by Pooja Garg. It was about the experiences of the Devotee from Doha. I was relating about this devotee and that she did her morning Kakad Aarthi on that day etc. Before I could continue with the story – the Ganesha bhajan on the radio stopped abruptly and the familiar voice in the usual loud thunderous volume took over our car radio and what we heard was Sri Satchitdananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. My husband and I had goose pimples and we froze, luckily the car was at a stop at a red traffic light junction, we looked at each other and thanked our Shirdi Sai mentally and remained very quiet for the next few minutes just to absorb His grace.
What followed next on the radio was the singing of the entire Kakad Arati. We reached our destination feeling very high. We feel so blissful whenever we recollect this moment. Thank you Sainath for blessing us with Your presence. Jai Bolo Sai Nath Maharaj Ki .
Jai Sai Ram
Uma Ravi
Baba lives with us every moment in our thoughts, our speech and watches over all our karmas. So think positive, speak in affirmatives and do our utmost to do our best to serve no matter however trivial the seva one might feel. Hearing and making hear Baba’s leelas can too be a form of seva. In Baba’s eyes its seva and nothing as big or small. Uma ji thanks for sharing the blissful experience where I too felt Baba’s presence with hair standing on its ends. Sharing the experience again is a kind of seva for the mankind and Sai too. All glory to Sai. Love You Sai Maa. Jai Ho Sai.
Pooja Garg
#Experience 136
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
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related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba
Blissful experience had goospumbs while reading thanks for sharing uma ji. Om sai ram.