Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Radhika Srinivas from Singapore says : Sai Ram, I have been Baba ‘s humble devotee since my childhood, I have been introduced to this Mahaparayan by my good friend since then I have been reading the Parayan experiences of many devotees and wonder when will I have one? Baba heard it .
My daughter was expecting her results of her very critical exam though her results were out on wednesday we told her to wait until Thursday as it was Baba’s blessing day. I have a strong faith on “Thursdays”. We were very stressed and worried about the results, morning I and my daughter went to the temple she was in tears and scared and so was I. It was very very important for my daughter to pass this exam and she worked hard but was not confident of her results, but I knew deep inside that Baba won’t let us down.
After the Darshan we opened her results, and behold she passed just with the required marks to pass, if not for Baba’s blessings it would not have happened. I am deeply indebted to Baba! Oh Baba please keep Your Divine hand on our families and bless us all .
Jai Sai Ram
In our life’s exam we need to fully surrender ourselves to Baba and then we are sure to pass the test for crossing this worldly Bhavsagar. With Baba the most benevolent and the best Guru will never lead us wrong and we are sure to pass with flying colours! Love You so much! JAi Sai.
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 117
P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
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Pooja madam.
M suffering from skin problem past 1 year I apply udi on affected area but not finding much difference… I cry lot y madam sai baba not listening to me ….
Please pray to Saibaba and apply the Udi with utmost faith. He will surely cure you. He never leaves His children in despair.