Shirdi Sai devotee Prachi Kalangutkar from India says: My name is Prachi, Om Sai Ram to all. Having started with the parayan I have experienced so many miracles. But one which I want to share with you my friends is a particular experience regarding my favourite Ray Ban glasses. I was very fond of these glasses as it was gifted by my brother 4 years back. It was precious to me not because of its monetary worth but for the emotion attached to it.
However I lost it last week and I had been frantically searching for it everywhere, from my workplace to my home in my car. Finally having lost all hope I prayed to Baba and asked His help in locating my glasses. Imagine my shock to find it at my workplace on the very table where we sign our attendance register. We sign it daily but it wasn’t there, but today I just found it there as if Baba had kept it there. I want to thank Him and as I had promised Him I would post this if I find my glasses, Bow to You Sai.
One Cry Of His Devotee And It Puts Our Baba Into Action, May it Be Even For A Paltry Reason, For He will Never Distinguish.
Om Sai Ram.
Prachi Kalangutkar
Sai the ever Merciful mother, friend, brother, Guru; none can equal You towards the love, care, affection and benevolence that You ever have towards Your Children. Blessed to be Your child. Love You Sai Maa. Jai Sairam!
-Pooja Garg
#Experience 93
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