Sai Baba Himself Is Heading And Executing The Project “Mahaparayan”

 MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Manjula Hiremath from India Says: Om Sai Ram, My name is Manjula.
First of all I would love to thank my Deva Sai, then to Pooja Ji as you are doing wonderful seva by making so many people to be a part of paryana and thanks for making me join in all different parayanas like 365 and Khichadi Parayan.

Coming to Mahaparyana experience: I am from Bangalore we have Sai Temple near our home; where we have a big group of 50 devotees and we celebrate Guru Pournima, Vijaya Dashmi and Ram Navami festivals with full zeal together.

When I read where Pooja Ji had asked to submit the P-form; I informed all of the devotees from our Sai Baba whatsapp group and Sai Baba temple group to join the Mahaparayan and I think there are around 15 of us from these groups who have joined the Mahaparayan. Initially However some did not understand fully what exactly I was trying to say and explain them about Mahaparyan. Then later I myself started and initiated Nitya Parayana before Vijaya Dashmi day where every day one person used to read and send his voice reading to our watsapp group, that was completed on Vijaya Dashmi and then the Mahaparyana started on that day and by the grace of Baba the execution was smooth. All thanked me whom I referred to join and many also testified that there was a significant improvement in their lives.

Later one day a thought came to me that what if we start Parayan for Sunday too especially for some known people, contacts and friends who were not a part of Thursday Mahaparyan as it is on since they could not commit on a weekday. It will serve like prayers who are in need of Sai blessings. Baba gave me His go ahead by showing in my dream my MP 111 Mahaparyan group list of allocation names and all updates about reading, I instantly got to know it was a hint of Sai to start Sunday paryana as we did the Thursday Mahaparyan.

I made a list and included all people who could not join Thursday Mahaparyan and formed one group and some members were still falling short to complete the group formation and so I asked my MP 111 Mahaparyan group, If anyone from that group too would be interested to be a part of Sunday Paryana as prayer service for who are in need of blessings, to my great surprise most of them agreed and this way we started and now we have 3 groups and we follow same way as Thursday Mahaparyan.

So this gave an opportunity to those who could not join the Thursday Mahaparyan to do a Parayana on Sunday. Thanks to Pooja Ji because of you we were able to make a group of people and it feels that we all are one under Sai Darbaar where we read His Satcharitra and it every time answers queries for many in our group. Sai bless you and your team for doing a big seva of Sai which will definitely inculcate a habit of reading for all of us.

Neki Ki Raah Pe Tumhara Sai Sadda Tumhaare Saath Rahega . 

Om Sai Ram
Manjula Hiremath

Very truly said Baba Himself is executing, directing and controlling Mahaparayan and it has been proved every week with His various leelas. We are just His instruments and truly very, very blessed and fortunate to be chosen by Him. Thank You Baba. Thank You Hetal Di and Manisha Bisht Di for being the source of my inspiration; as well a great Mentor in my spiritual journey. Jai Sai. Love You So much Baba. Lots of Gratitude!

 – Pooja Garg

#Experience 53

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen..!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
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