Sai Baba’s Protection And Blessings

Sai Baba’s Protection And Blessings

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:

Om Sai Ram!

I belong to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-739N1. I joined the Global Mahaparayan group in August 2019 and this is my third round of reading. 

Sai Ram Pooja Ji. Thank you for this opportunity. Thank You Baba for giving me the ability to share my experiences. Request you to kindly keep me Anonymous.

My husband was transferred out of India in 2019.  My daughter was in her final year of graduation and we decided to leave her in the hostel. We are Baba devotees and have firm faith in Baba that He will take care of her and bring her safely to us. Our last visit to Baba’s Mandir before leaving India gave us a beautiful experience. I kept a prayer to Baba that He should take care of my daughter and after she completes her graduation I will do annadhaan in the same mandir. Within 5 minutes it so happened that out of nowhere suddenly the priest came to us and informed us that there was an annadhaan planned for the next day and whether we were willing to contribute. Nobody knew my prayer as it was a silent one but I heard an inner voice that said why wait for 8 months? Do the annadhaan now? We happily accepted the offer and did everything satisfactorily. Little did we know that there was a reason behind Baba’s message which we realised later. 

Suddenly life changed due to Covid and we could not fly down to India to wind up or even to offer our annadhaan in 2020 after her graduation. Baba knew it. Baba protected her, stood by her and handed over her to my parents before the lockdown in India . There were so many obstacles due to Covid and border restrictions but Baba kept guiding us and blessing us at each and every stage and gave us multiple experiences. She got her approval for entry to the destination country and Baba as promised handed over her to us safely. Blessed we are and with a lot of gratitude, we are waiting to go back and complete our prayers

Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee 

#MP-Experience 1967

Sai Baba – Our Family Doctor  

Sai Baba - Our Family Doctor

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Nagasree From India Says: 

Om Sai Ram. Since I have become a member of MP, a chain of miracles have been happening in my life.  At present I am serving as a captain of 2 houses and would like to serve more in the near future.

My 1st experience was recently published on this website, here I am penning down the 2nd one.

My husband had been suffering from foot corn for six months and we totally neglected it as there was no pain. Recently the number of corn started to increase with terrible pain. We made home remedies and applied de-corn tapes, but there was no improvement. Few friends said it had to be removed by a minor surgery. We had no other option than surrendering to our beloved Baba.

At the same time Sai Satcharitra Mahasaptaha began during Navratri and I took a pledge of reading it for 9 days. In between due to overload of work my husband read a few chapters for me and meanwhile we used to apply De – corn tapes. Day by day it started reducing. On the 8th day of Navaratri there was a miracle. We couldn’t see a single corn in the foot. It was truly a blessing of Baba.

My 2nd experience is regarding my parents travelling to the USA for the 1st time.

It was only because of Baba that my parents cleared Visa just before the lockdown. My sister stays in the US and has recently delivered a baby. Due to the pandemic outbreak of covid-19 she couldn’t travel to India. After a few months of unlocking she called my parents to the US.

Baba stood next to them in each and every situation until they reached her home. Few points I have highlighted below.

1. It was their 1st international flight, so we were worried about how they could handle things at the airport. But luckily the check-in staff communicated in our mother tongue seeing my parents’ surname. They also directed them about the next formalities inside the airport.

2. They had to change the flight in Delhi and my sister had booked VIP assistance in advance. He was very friendly and stayed with my parents in the complete layover time directing each and everything.

3. Two more flights had to be changed. Immigration and transit went smoothly later and co-passengers were co-operative too. 

4. Thankfully they didn’t come across any covid-19 patients nor observed any symptoms later. It has been 15 days over there, my mom observed mild urinary tract infection symptoms.  She neglected it completely and it went to a severe stage. She wasn’t able to move her body due to pain. Later she was admitted to hospital for CT scan and other works. Due to Baba’s blessings she is recovering now.  

My sincere prayers to Baba that my parents should come back to India safely. 

Sai Devotee Nagasree

#MP-Experience 1968

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Baba knows everything better than us. So follow His will undoubtedly. Our unwavering devotion, unconditional love and unbeatable faith in Baba with patience will make the miracles happen! Baba The greatest Doctor of doctors can cure anything provided we help Him to cure us. Let not the corn of non-devotion, doubts, greed or other things grow in us. Let’s keep protecting us through nectar in the form of Sai leelas, stories and naam jaap which will develop true bhakti in us. He will guide and protect, have no worry. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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