Global MahaParayan Miracles – Post 1756

Experiences Shared By Members Of MahaParayan: Baba Saved My Father Miraculously Baba Appeared As Sai Ganesha On Gurupurnima Baba Saved My Father Miraculously Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Vishwanath From India Says: Sai Ram to Everyone Time and again, it…
Experiences Shared By Members Of MahaParayan: Baba’s Help During This Pandemic Mahaparayan Experience Baba’s Help During The Pandemic Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Sharaan From Australia Says: Sai Ram to All. It is early March 2020 and unfortunately, a pandemic has…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai MahaParayan Devotee from Australia Says: Hello Pooja ji, you are doing a wonderful job with Mahaparayan and creating faith. God bless you and your family. I joined Mahaparayan group last year. I am in Saakshi Sai’s group.…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ridhima From Australia Says: Baba Thanks for coming on Guru Pournima day and sending Your blessings from Shirdi on my Birthday. I love You Baba. Om Sairam. Dear MahaParayan Team, please find my experience mentioned below. My…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Badriji From Australia Says: Om Shri Sai! I am Badri, part of Mahaparayan group MP-836 Shraddha Sai group. Our family has been devotees of Baba ever since I have known. I constantly believe that Baba is always…