Global MahaParayan Miracles – Post 1537

Shirdi Sai Devotee Rakhi from USA says : Today I wish to share a beautiful leela. Baba and His ways are always amazing and full of meaning. I do Khichadi Parayan (Part of Brahma Muhrat Parayan) and offer khichadi to…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says : My humble pranams at Your lotus feet Sai. With Bhagawan’s grace, I have been a part of Mahaparayan and there are countless miracles. This life is a grace of Sai and whatever…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Gowri Oberoi from India says: Sairam everyone. I am Gowri Oberoi from New Delhi and have been wishing to visit Shirdi before my daughter’s 10th board exams beginning tomorrow i.e. on the 12th March, 2018 but knew…