Baba Saved My Husband

Shirdi Sai Devotee RamaDeviji From India Says: Sai Ram! I am a class teacher in MP-3859N1 and MP-5783N1 and my husband is the class teacher in MP-5788N1. We are from Vishakapatnam. My husband did not believe in God. But once…
Shirdi Sai Devotee RamaDeviji From India Says: Sai Ram! I am a class teacher in MP-3859N1 and MP-5783N1 and my husband is the class teacher in MP-5788N1. We are from Vishakapatnam. My husband did not believe in God. But once…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: Sai Ram! Pranams at the lotus feet of Shirdi Baba and Sathya Sai Baba. Baba, please grant me the ability to comprehend Your interventions in my life and be able to relate those experiences for…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ranjithaji From USA Says: Sai Ram! This is Ranjitha from MP-610 USA group. I sincerely thank each and every one who has been running this Mahaparayan for Samastha Loka successfully and I wish that this continues forever…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: My humble pranam at Your lotus feet Baba. With the blessings of Baba and my parents, I am narrating my experience. Baba, please help me to express properly Your leela, Your love, and care. Please…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Vanithaji Says: Sai Ram! I am Vanitha Balasubramanian, class teacher in Mahaparayan. I have had great realisations and have experienced a paradigm shift in my core beliefs after reading Sai Satcharitra. Below listed are a few of…
Shirdi Sai Devotee P.Sivakumarji From India Says: Om Sai Ram! I am P.Sivakumar. My native place is Lalgudi, Trichy Dt, Tamil Nadu, India. I belong to MP-9828N1, roll no 16. However, I am living in Chennai and working as Associate…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Belaji From Africa Says: Om Sai Ram, Thank You Sai for being with me and for Your blessings. My name is Bela Naik and I was introduced by my very best friend Rita Desai who made be…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Namrata From India Says: Sai Ram! I am a part of the Mahaprayan group MP-14, yellow house, roll no 37. This is my 3rd post on the Mahaprayan blog. What I would be narrating today is not…