MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Devotee Usha from India says :
I had mentioned in my previous post Shirdi Sai Baba Blessed My Children that how Baba blessed us with kids and our special needs son showed improvements within 2 weeks of starting Mahaparayan.

I had also mentioned in that email that both my husband and I were looking for jobs. Within 2 weeks after writing that email, I got a job finalized. I had been looking for a job since 3 years!

Now, I am sure that Baba will give a job to my husband also very soon. Thank You Baba for showing me a way to get Your blessings through Mahaparayan. Thank You Sairam

Jai Sairam!

As is our faith so is Baba’s response. Baba can never ever overlook a true call, although we may feel He is not responding but in reality He hears each of our slightest whisper and shows the response in His inscrutable ways. Thank You Baba for the blessing of Mahaparayan and please continue to shower Your grace on all Your children, and especially those whom You have appointed on Your service of Mahaparayan either as a participant or as Your sevak for the same. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.

Pooja Garg

#Experience 503

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too...!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
ONLY to Maha Parayan to mahaparayanexperiences@gmail. com and which are not
related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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