MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Shanthi from India Says: In August 2019, I joined this Mahaparayan group. Thanks to my sister Devi, who made me join this group.

I like to share my experience with my Sai devotees. We were staying in Dubai for the last one year. In the month of January 2020, my husband’s work contract got over and they gave him a notice period of one month. By that time, we could not relocate to India as we had let out our house for rent. In the meanwhile, he searched for a job through referrals and online. In February 2020, I had kept my prayers to Sai and committed that within 20 days I would complete the Sai Satcharitra. On February 1st, I started reading the chapters.

By the time, my brother-in-law and co sister came to Dubai for a visit. We visited various places in Dubai and had to take care of them for 14 days. But I never missed reading. On 10th February 2020, my husband went to interview but he didn’t get the offer. But he followed the HR continuously. But all efforts went in vain. In the meanwhile, we remembered the previous attended interview 1.5 years back in Chennai. So, my husband asked me whether we could try. I said we will keep our prayers to Baba and would message them. My husband messaged the concerned person and with Baba’s blessing we got a reply that he would get back within 2-3 days.

On 19th February 2020, he got an offer letter from the company. On 20th February 2020, I completed the Sai Satcharitra and he accepted the offer. With Sai’s blessings, he got a good package in Chennai. Then also we got showers of blessings from Sai. Let’s see how. We informed the previous company to cancel our visa. At that time, the corona virus pandemic started.

We informed the house owner that we were going to vacate and also informed our tenant to vacate. We packed all the things and sent them through cargo. Our visas got cancelled and he got his settlement and we travelled to Chennai on March 2nd and we landed safely without any infection. Now we settled in our home.

Baba showered us with lots of blessings. At the same time, my son, who is studying in the US, got the job and got a scholarship. But the reporting higher official got a new job. So, his job got cancelled automatically. By Sai’s grace, he got one more offer and he accepted the same and switched to that job immediately. We have to be in Sai’s feet lifelong. Thanks Sai.

Always keep on chanting Sai mantram. Surely He will be with us and everyone will experience it too.

Sai Devotee Shanthi

Those who wish to serve for global Mahaparayan may join this temporary group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you all very soon. Rise & Be Instrumental . . . !  

Baba will definitely bless us for the good acts and as Baba Himself is getting the Mahaparayan executed globally; so there is no doubt about it. Just as with night the darkness follows, with sun the brightness follows, with sandalwood the fragrance follows, with peacock the beauty follows, with honey the sweetness follows and with God the truth follows likewise with Mahaparayan Baba’s blessings follow. Baba help us to ever follow You and Your teachings with Shraddha and Saburi. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.  😊
-Pooja Garg

#Experience 1216
20 -March-2021 

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too. . . !

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  1. Baba help my husband also since he is going through a very tough time in his career.No one else there to help other than you my sai appa🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  2. Om Sai Ram, love you baba,baba makee healthy and wipe out all negative thoughts from me ….
    Baba make me intelligent so that i get selection in government medical college this year and get very good marks in boards me baba ..motivate me to study harder and make my memory very sharp
    Om Sai Ram 🙏🏻🌹

  3. Sairam baba.
    Me and my family are facing many problems, both in finance matter and health. Kindly save us baba. I have no one to believe except you baba. I have done 9 days sai vratha and every Thursday I'm worshipping you .Baba plz shower your blessing on us. I request all the sai devotees to pray for me and for my family. Sairam🙏

  4. My son and his wifeshould be happy in future it is the only thing I want Sai nath Maharaj should bless them with heartfully of love and affection between them

  5. Om sai ram 🙏 baba you have fullfilled all my wishes,I have belief in you in future also you will answer my prayers

  6. Baba help me become better person better devotee and make me more healthy enough to help others in every way and my kids become ur devotee and a better person . Always keep ur blessings on us. Thank u for everything 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  7. Baba help us to overcome the difficult situation we are going through.. I have faith in u Sai.. Watever is happening is with ur wish only.. U can take us to extreme but will never abandon us.. Give us strength to with stand ur examination and pass out with flying colors. Om Sai Ram 🌸 🙏 I have shraddha on u and will keep saburi until u fill our life with peace n happiness one day..

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