Sai Baba’s Immense Grace

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shalini From India Says:
We live in Chennai, on the coast. Initially cyclone Nivar was to land between Karaikal (250 kms away) and Mahabalipuram (30 kms from where we live). As it intensified it moved closer to us causing great worry and fear. Only 4 years ago Cyclone Vardah had wreaked havoc on us! Those horrific images were racing past our minds! We were all bracing for a full and more severe impact, given that Nivar was declared a very severe cyclonic storm but Baba saved us completely!
Cyclone Nivar made a landfall 48 kms away from us early this morning and has started moving further west. Yes, it is not a good news at all for many others like us and we are still facing very high winds but we were spared a head on collision only because of Baba. Our prayers are continually for those impacted. We have already started working towards relief aid for them.
There is an overwhelming sense of gratitude and abject awe that we are helpless beings who need to be saved 24/7 be it from Mother Nature’s fury or our own limitations of the mind or from the cycle of birth and death. Today is Thursday and it is Baba’s infinite grace that I have committed to read my allotted chapters at least 3 times today. Om Sai Ram!
A very significant thing happened last night, the significance of which I have understood just now after reading chapters 1 and 2.
Cyclone Vardah had left very strong impressions on us. This time for Cyclone Nivar we decided to do everything possible to seal our apartment as much as possible. For this we used cloth, duct tape, blue tack adhesive and even resistance bands to seal gaps in window frames. To seal the main door and a large window we still needed a good sealant. That’s when we realised, a simple homemade adhesive was the best solution for blocking minute air pockets – wheat flour paste!!! It worked like magic! The very first chapter talks about grinding the wheat to ward off cholera. It was Baba Himself Who became our wisdom and guided us. Such benevolence and such is His grace!
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Shalini
#MP-Experience 1975
Sai Baba’s Leela

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Lavanya Sivakumar From India Says:
Om Sai Ram! I am Lavanya Sivakumar. My native place is Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. I belong to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-6876N1, roll no 29. I feel very much blessed to be a part of this Mahaparayan group and would like to thank my close friend Bramaramba Aunty who introduced me to the Global Mahaparayan.
Right from the age of 14, I was a great devotee of Baba. Baba blessed me with a lot of things in my life. There are no words to explain it.
But now the reason to post this leela is, my house in Bangalore got vacated and since it is a pandemic situation we could not find a tenant for the house for the past three months. It became tough for us to pay the EMI. I prayed to Baba that if I get a tenant for the house I would publish this leela of Him. By Baba’s blessings and grace we found the tenant .
Thank You Baba for always being with me and constantly supporting me. My day always starts and ends by chanting Your name.
Thanks with Regards,
Sai Devotee Lavanya Sivakumar
#MP-Experience 1976
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Baba has everything under His control as everything is His creation. He only protects and shields us. He is the greatest Saviour. We are just tenants here on this Earth as our permanent abode is where the Lord resides. We are here to pay for our karmas and as soon as we are done with our debts and dealings with others (financially, emotionally, physically) our stay would end and there would be no re-birth. So let us live holistically and try to reduce our rent(bad karmas). Let us be the best tenants that our landlord (Baba) will give us a place at His permanent abode. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram, OM Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai ram