Sai Baba’s Blessings Are Always Upon Us

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai
Please post this as anonymous.
I am part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-10384N1 yellow house.
I have been a devotee of Sai Baba since my childhood. I want to share my recent two important experiences which have deepened my trust and devotion deeply on Sai Baba.
My son will start high school next year. He gave an entrance exam for top high school to get into. He ended up scoring good marks but went on the reserve list for 1st choice school. With the Covid situation chances of reserve list clearance was challenging. I had just started with the Global Mahaparayan. With Baba’s blessing my son’s reserve list number got cleared earlier than expected. A huge thank You to Sai Baba. With His blessing my son will get to have wonderful years of high school.
Buying a house was pending for a very long time. Again with the covid situation getting a good house was challenging. With Baba’s blessing we not only got a very good house but the process of buying it went very smoothly.
A big thank You from the bottom of my heart. I strongly believe Sai Baba will always provide His blessing to lead this new wonderful life that He has given us.
Reading leelas of Sai Baba creates such a joy in me. I am very grateful for the Global Mahaparayan for providing this wonderful opportunity to stay connected with Sai Baba.
Om Sai Ram
Sai devotee.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2051
Sai Baba’s Blessings After Starting The Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Anshu Bali From India Says:
Dear Madam/Sir
Om Sai Ram to all devotees!
I am Anshu Bali, a resident of Dwarka, New Delhi. Our association with Baba dates back to 1994. With Baba’s blessings, me and my husband became the members of the Global Mahaprayan MP-5318N1 in June 2020.
I experienced Sai Baba’s blessings on 10th Dec 2020( Thursday). From 8th Dec I had developed fever and was afraid as we all are passing through challenging times of Covid Pandemic. I consulted my doctor on the 9th and she advised me to take the Covid test. I took the test on the 9th afternoon and the report was to come on the 10th.
I have been reciting Sai Sacharitra and on 10th Dec I was supposed to read my last chapter and perform Prasadam. So on the 10th morning I was quite worried both due to health and with anxiety waiting for my Covid report and also as I had to finish Sai Sacharitra and to read my allotted 2 chapters of the Mahaparayan group. I prayed to Baba to give me strength.
Surprisingly, on Thursday I was feeling better so I performed my Pooja in the morning with full devotion and was able to complete my chapters. The moment I finished my Pooja, a message came from the hospital on my phone on covid report. With shivering hands and chanting Baba’s name I handed over my phone to my husband who checked the message and informed me that the report was negative.
With tears swelling in my eyes I thanked Baba for His Kirpa. Baba teaches us to keep Shraddha and Saburi and then His blessings would always be with all of His devotees. Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Anshu
#MP-Experience 2052
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Baba is our Maa too Who cannot see His children in pain. He knows everything and comes to our rescue when we call Him wholeheartedly. He will fulfil all your wishes be it admission, job or house. When we seek Him with faith, He can turn all the obstacles into opportunities. Sometimes He tests us to concrete our faith in Him and move us a level up for our faith towards Him. He is around us. Surround yourself with good thoughts and deeds and Sai will always be there for you. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om SaiRam🙏
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jaijai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai, om sai shri sai jai jai sai. Baba please relive me from the thunder storms within me and give me peace and happy kife. Om sai ram, om sai ram om sai ram