Sai Baba Showed His Presence

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says: Shri Satchitanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.
It is with immense gratitude that I am sharing my experience of how Baba graced me with His love, affection, and blessings. I became a part of the Global Mahaparayan in July 2020 through a post on Facebook. I would like to thank Geetaji the Chief for helping me through my Mahaparayan journey and for encouraging me to take up the seva.
I have experienced Baba’s grace on many occasions. Baba has given me everything that a person can ask for and above all happiness. My family consists of my husband who is a very self-righteous and self-made person, my teenage daughter, and a schooling son. My children are also a part of the Global Mahaparayan. Thus all of us are ardent devotees of Sai.
My husband is a business owner. We have a factory that processes agricultural implements. Since he is very righteous, he doesn’t encourage bribes. The local politician in that area has not been very happy with him due to this. The only way to get back at my husband, therefore, was to frame him in some fabricated case. We have provided accommodation to our workers in the quarters within the factory premises. Bribing and befriending one of our workers, one night during the lockdown, a small fire was raised in the factory premise. The political goon then made an FIR saying that we were burning chemicals in the factory which there was not a bit of truth. However, the factory was seized by the authorities and locked and the business was thus at a standstill.
I was in great grief and under stress and pressure as the factory was the means of our livelihood. I have a huge photo of Baba in my foyer. I sat in front of Baba and fought with Him asking questions like why He had to do this to us. Just as I share my happy moments with Baba; I take my problems also to Him. A month passed in a court hearing and other related problems. Though I was very upset with Baba, my faith in Baba or my pooja and offerings to Him never stopped.
Diwali was approaching. Every year on Dhanteras it is our practice to purchase silver or gold. I also buy something to present to Baba every year. This year too my husband asked me to be ready in the evening to shop for Dhanteras. I was in no mood to do it. I went to Baba and told Him that this year I will not be purchasing anything during Dhanteras as I was very upset about the situation that we were in and Baba was there looking on like a bystander. I cried profusely in front of Him. Later in the day, two Sardarji men knocked on our door announcing the arrival of a courier. I told them that I had not ordered anything, but to my surprise, it was my name on the package and they also said that no payment was required for it. To my utter surprise, I found that the package contained 4 pouches of Udi and a copy of Stavan Manjari.
It became very clear to me that on Dhanteras which fell on a Thursday, Baba had sent me this gift as the package did not mention the address of the sender. During my conversation with my husband about this, I remembered that I had asked a friend to send me some Udi. When I called him I learned that he had sent me just two packs of Udi which had not reached me. He very forcefully said that he had not sent the Stavan Manjari copy and moreover a few months had passed since He had sent the Udi.
Often I visit the Facebook page of Sai Baba and I get messages from Baba. On the same day, I visited the Facebook page and the message that I found read, “Once God Steps Into Your Life, Joy & Peace Automatically Arrives ”. My conviction that Baba had sent me the gift became firm.
Exactly after seven days the next week, the case turned in favor of my husband and the factory was reopened. The law enforcers were taken to task too for seizing the factory without making a proper investigation.
Since it was a Thursday and as is the practice my husband and I visited the temple, bowed before Baba, and offered our gratitude. The purpose I feel that this whole episode happened I think was probably to prevail upon us that Baba is always there for us.
I bow to the feet of Baba with deep gratitude and reverence. May Baba protect and care and bless all His devotees as He has blessed us.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 2081
Sai Allocates The Mahaparayan Chapters

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee S Srinivasa Prasad Iyer From India Says: Dear Sir/madam,
Om Sairam!
I was added to Thursday’s Parayan Group by my sister, on 15.12.2020 for 17th December Thursday Parayan.
I was allotted roll number 42 and was asked to read chapters 36 and 37 twice. I could not understand the allotment of chapters. I contacted my sister who is an admin, telling her chapters should start from 1st Chapter onwards. She said, “Swami Shirdi Sai has something for you in those chapters. Please read those given /allotted chapters for your roll number.”
Then I read the chapters twice at 3.30 am onwards on 17th December and went into meditation at 5 am for one-hour thinking of Swami Shirdi Sai Baba and asking when Baba is helping the people in chapters, why not me? Told Baba with tears that many friends have taken money, due for more than 2 and a half, and few are due for decades, expecting badly but due to covid prevailing around, I could not approach anyone for repayment.
I was about to read the chapters for the third time, around 7.30 am when suddenly I got a call from an unknown number. I answered the call and was informed by that person, who had taken money 26 years back. He said that he would start repaying monthly in January or February. I was dumbstruck and speechless. What blessings from Baba and making that person start repaying.
I wanted to share this experience in the Mahaprayan group and feel blessed to be part of the group. I will meticulously follow to read the chapters accordingly.
Thanks to my sister, Chitra Jaikumar and other members.
Om Sairam!
Sai Devotee S Srinivasa Prasad Iyer
#MP-Experience 2082
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
This world is the Supreme’s court where God is the judge, our deeds are the lawyers and our problems are the various cases. Our deeds of present and past births advocate (speak) for us and our good deeds help us to come out guilt free from the cases. Don’t ever judge His judgement. He will not allow any injustice to happen with His children for His analysis, working and judgement is zero defect. When we surrender our problems, anxieties and worries to our Sadguru Sainath’s Feet, He takes all the care and does whatever is the best. What all is needed to believe in the Gurumantra Shraddha and Saburi; rest when Sai steps in miracles are bound to happen in response to the intensity of our faith, devotion and surrender. So don’t give up, keep doing Mahaparayan and Baba will show us the right way. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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