Thankful For Being In The Global Mahaparayan

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Neelaveni From India Says:
I am Neelaveni from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-1191N1 Green house. I have been a devotee of Baba since my college days and have been a part of the Global Mahaparayan from Feb-2019. The Global Mahaparayan was introduced to me by my friend and I am very thankful to her for making me a part of the Mahaparayan.
I have experienced so many miracles of Baba till today and I would like to share some incidents that happened in my life.
Once due to personal and family problems I asked Baba for a solution ( I had a book of Baba answers for our questions) in which I found the answer to offer Kova as Prasad to Baba and so Baba’s blessings would be sure.
I was thinking of offering next coming Thursday but it was not possible, so for the next coming thursday I strongly made my mind to offer Kova as Prasad to Baba and I went to a sweet shop on Wednesday. There I found two types of kova and I was confused to choose among them. Even though my heart was suggesting one type of Kova, I bought another. By evening I got my monthly periods, I was very upset and I thought that Baba got angry with me as I bought another sweet, so I asked sorry to Baba due to my ignorance.
Next Thursday after completing my regular Baba’s parayan, I went to the sweet shop and bought the Kova sweet which my heart suggested me last time. Here one wonder took place, every Thursday as time permits I would visit Baba temple on the way to my office as it was comfortable for my office timings. There was a Baba temple nearer to my house also but I would rarely visit that temple.
That Thursday, I don’t know why my heart was suggesting me to visit Baba temple which was near to my house. Accordingly, I went to the temple near to my house to offer Prasad. There I found that some Homa was being performed and I enquired with the volunteer of the temple. Then I came to know that due to the corona pandemic, the trustees of the temple were performing Dhanvantari homa for the well-being of all the people.
I was surprised and realised that Baba wanted me to attend the Homa and take the blessings of Dhanvantari and take the Prasad, and hence He made me visit Baba’s temple near my house. I also understood that Baba was not angry with me and got my answer as to why I missed to offer the Prasad last Thursday.
Thank You so much Baba for Your love and blessings and I pray Baba that His blessings be on us forever and ever.
Sai Devotee Neelaveni
#MP-Experience 3047
Amazing Experience In Sai’s Samadhi Mandir

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sandhya From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I am Sandhya, from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-8810N1, Roll no.13, Blue House. I am a small devotee of Sai Baba. Sai Baba came into my life when I did not know Him properly. I was in Std 9th when my Tai ji gave me Sai Satcharitra and told me to take proper care of this miraculous book. She is no longer in this world, but she was the one who introduced me to my only saviour, my Sainath.
I did not understand the value of this book at that time but when I started reading it, my life started changing a lot. I really did not understand anything at that time, whatever was written in the book. After reading this book again and again, I have understood the meaning of each chapter now. I try to take whatever is written in this book in my life too. I always kept that book with me and even today I have the same Sai Satcharitra given by my Taai ji. I have known Sai Samarth for the last 17 years and I still have the same Sai Satcharitra given by my Tai ji.
Baba has many miracles in my life, I can’t even count them. It is a big miracle that He is with me. I always feel like I don’t deserve Him. I always say this to Him “Baba I have many flaws and I don’t deserve You.” Still He always took care of me and my family. He supported us in every problem and made that problem very small. Baba has taught me a lot. How much ever I thank Him, it will be less. Baba is very kind and soft. My relationship with Baba is like a father and daughter. I share everything with Him because no one can understand me better than Him. I am getting very emotional while writing this.
Now I will share my experiences after joining the Mahaparayan. The first experience was very beautiful. After joining the Global Mahaparayan, I also got my two sisters to join me. It is the blessing of Baba that today all three of us are reciting Mahaparayan together in the same group every Thursday. Baba called us Shirdi only after 1 and half months of joining. Our trip to Shirdi was very beautiful and memorable. Baba gave us a lot of love and took care of us.
It happened that my youngest sister had her birthday on that day (6/1/2020) and tilak is applied in our house on birthdays. I wished that if someone applied tilak on her forehead, it would be very good. I told Baba, now You only put tilak on my sister’s forehead. I just said this to Baba and surprisingly a Pandit applied tilak to all three of us inside the Samadhi mandir in front of our beloved Sadhguru. We all got very emotional seeing this. My other sister was much more emotional seeing Baba’s beautiful appearance and she could not stop her tears. Then someone from behind came and said please don’t cry, everything will be good.
It is a big thing for me to get such experience in front of Sai Baba in the Samadhi temple.
Sai Devotee Sandhya
#MP-Experience 3048
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
There is a reason for every delay that Sai makes. If there is a delay then He will bless us with something better than what we have wished or hoped for. He knows our heart and resides there. So let us make our heart like a temple which is full of positivity and love and faith. May Baba enjoy His stay in our heart and thus bless us with His immense blessings and love. So, do not worry about the delay as something better is on the way. Smile and life will smile back. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Babaji is great. We must follow Him with Sradha and Saburi.
Jai Sai Ram
B. Lakshmi
Roll no 32