Immensely Blessed To Be A Part Of The Mahaparayan

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
I am immensely blessed to be part of the wonderful Global Mahaparayan group. It’s all Baba’s blessings. With Baba blessings, I am going to relate my experience. Please keep my details anonymous.
My dad was sick so he had to undergo a surgery and he was in hospital and it took longer for him to come out of the ICU and we were all worried. I had never seen my father in such a painful situation. It was hard for my mom and me to see my dad in such a way. We were continuously praying to Baba.
My son used to get sick quite often, the reason no doctor could explain. He used to be fine for 2 weeks and then he used to get sick. This was happening on and off. My son used to get sick sometimes on Thursdays and I used to pray to Baba – why Baba why is he getting sick on Thursdays. I was so worried and couldn’t stop crying. I was crying in front of Baba’s pic to help my son and my father and to relieve their sickness. My parents were praying to Baba continuously for my son and for my father. They are both strong devotees of our Baba.
I couldn’t bear the stress and used to cry to Baba continuously. I feel so bad and guilty for not trusting my dear Baba. Slowly through the chapters allotted on the Global Mahaparayan day and also in regular chapters, Baba gave me answers saying your son and your father will be alright and not to worry.
Later on I had a wonderful dream in which me and my kids were in our Baba’s temple close to my place. There was a small Baba’s statue which devotees were allowed to touch, but only the temple committee used to dress the small Baba statue as well. Suddenly while praying to Baba’s feet in a small statue, Baba’s head cloth came and fell into my hands and I tried to tie it and it stayed for a few minutes. Later me and my kids did pradikshna to Baba and came back again to the statue and then when we bent our heads to pray to Baba. Then the head cloth again came down into my hands.
I told the temple committee member who was close by, “I am sorry as even though I tied the cloth around Baba’s head, it still came down to my hand. The member said, “Please keep it with you as it’s Baba’s blessing to you.” I couldn’t stop crying and then my happiness was so much that I woke up.
When I woke up I clearly remembered my dream. My happiness had no bounds. I got my Baba Sai’s blessing through a dream. I couldn’t control my happiness. I promised my Baba that after I post in the Mahaparayan miracles I would inform my family and friends.
The dream was an assurance from our Baba that He was looking after us all the time and taking care of us like a mother and father. Later on with Baba’s grace and blessing my son was slowly coming out of sickness and he was getting better. My father also was coming out of sickness and was doing much better. This all happened only due to Baba’s grace and blessing.
Baba always says, “All are My kids. No harm will come to them. I will not let any harm come to them.” Baba is always watching us, only He gives us some tests so that our faith and devotion will be stronger. Thanks to our Baba and our Mahaparayan group as we are able to witness such wonderful miracles. Baba, please take care of us all and please continuously bless us all. Please forgive me if I have made any mistake in my explanation of my experience of our Baba.
Sairam Sairam Sairam Sairam
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3075
Sai Baba Made Me Emotionally Intelligent

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Hi Sairam,
Please keep anonymous. I have shared many of my experiences on this platform. This is my 7th experience that I am sharing here. I am one of Baba’s devotees like many others. I always tell Him my problems and get advice from Him in dreams. Just like that one day before I was going to bed, I told my problems to Baba and slept.
Then Baba appeared in my dream and said keep doing your work and fulfil all your responsibilities. Then after that I started doing just the way Baba told me to. I was an emotional fool and when I was doing any work, if someone hurt me then I used to feel so bad that I used to have a very hard time getting back to my work and responsibilities. Because of this I was facing many problems everywhere. After Baba appeared in my dream and suggested to me, I became emotionally intelligent and did things without any delay. Baba, You are the One Who made me like this.
Please make all my family members have emotional intelligence. Please shower Your blessings on me and my family. Also please give me a job as You know I have very little experience in my work. But with Your blessings anything can happen, Baba.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3076
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us pulsate in Baba’s bhakti and our life’s palpitations(worries) will calm down. Baba - the great Wirepuller of this show of this Universe can control anything be it our pain, grief, sorrows, worries etc. He helps us to work upon our karmas which cannot be escaped. Baba being our support, our karmic journey though which looks thorny becomes much easier with His grace, our good fortune starts glowing and leads us finally to Him. Let Baba ever reside in our heart and with every beat the heart pulsate the name Om Sairam...Jai Sairam..! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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