Sai Blessed With A Baby And Helped In Retaining Job

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Akshatha From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
I am Akshatha Shetty, a member of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-4970N1 Chavadi and would like to thank my kind hearted Baba for His immense blessings and accepting me as His child. Thank you Pooja ji for starting this Global Mass Prayer – Mahaparayan which helped me to get even closer to my Sai. I’m thankful to my brother Nithyanand and my co sister Rajashri who guided me to join this blessed forum. Baba has blessed me in numerous ways at every step in my life from the time I started my job career in 2010. After joining the Mahaparayan group I experienced one of His biggest blessings in the form of my baby girl.
I joined the Mahaparayan group in 2019 October and in December 2019, I got to know that I am pregnant. My happiness knew no bounds as it was a miracle that happened to me. This path was not easy as Baba wanted me to know the value of what I had received through His blessings. Due to my health complications it was really difficult to sustain this pregnancy and all of sudden one night I just started bleeding as if my pregnancy got aborted. It was the hardest night but when our Sai is there to protect us then we need not be afraid. My husband unexpectedly felt so much confidence as if everything was fine with me. It was like Baba saying “I have blessed you with this baby and I will see to it that this baby will come into this world healthy.” He forced me to visit the doctor whereas I was not ready to accept the fact.
After bleeding for the whole night, crying and praying to Baba the next afternoon when I met my gynaecologist, to my surprise the baby was untouched as if Baba had covered it with a protective shield and there was no clue what had happened. Man proposes one way but God disposes the other way. Baba had His own plans for me. That is, I had to go to India for an emergency as soon as I completed my 4th month and due to this pandemic me and my husband could not return back. I had no idea why Baba was doing all this as our job was at stake and it was difficult to manage things. I kept praying to Sai to help us out. That was Baba’s plan to retain me back home so that I could take proper care of myself and my still born baby and be with my family.
At every step, Baba helped me and with all ups and downs and health problems, finally Baba blessed me with a healthy baby girl. Things worked out as per Baba’s wish. He wanted me to come back at the right time and another miracle was that I had my job waiting for me. My employer kept my position vacant without replacing it with anyone. Everything was set and our flight was on Sunday and that Thursday I got to read chapter 9 where it is mentioned that without Baba’s permission we will not be able to leave the place and if Baba permits then our journey will be without any hussle. But this then created a small doubt in my mind and I asked Baba through chits if I could go and Baba answered me ‘GO’.
With Sai’s blessings I could get my daughter and my mother to UAE. No other source than only by Baba’s blessings. I have lots of things to settle down. It won’t be easy but with Baba’s grace I know everything will work out smoothly. When our Sai Pa is with us to guide us then no hurdles can stop our way. Baba, I’m thankful to You wholeheartedly and keep blessing each and every one. Help me to maintain my unbreakable faith and love for You always.
Jai ho Sai Jai Jai Sai..
Sai Devotee Akshatha
#MP-Experience 4023
Sai Baba Is Always With Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Netra From India Says: Om Sairam!
Dear Sir / Madam,
Hi All.
I am Netra T From Bangalore and a devotee of Shree Shirdi Sai Baba. We have a property where only one person took the whole building for rent.
After some months he left the whole building and from that day we faced many problems. My sister-in-law told me about the Mahaparayan and I started reading in It. After reading in Global Mahaparayan our problems came to an end as the tenants came to rent.
My belief in Baba became stronger. I wanted to share my experience and so I did. I won’t stop reading the Mahaparayan.
Sai Baba is always with us and He is always great. Love You Baba.
Sai Devotee Netra
#MP-Experience 4024
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Baba is the ultimate truth in this Universe. His every action is pregnant with meaning and so let us take particular care and see to it that nothing leads to miscarriage of our faith, devotion and love for Baba. Let us take proper supplements like reading His leelas, bhajan, naam jaap and see that the growth of our faith and devotion continues and becomes healthy day by day. Sai Maa’s children need not fear for anything as after all we always have His love and support though we may not realise it sometimes. So let us strengthen our devotion so much that our heartbeat chants Sai Sai and joy and bliss will join us in abundance. Let us bow our heads at His feet with all love and surrender and He will take care of all our pains. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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