Sai Baba Blessed My Family – Job Confirmed

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Prathibha From USA Says:
OM Sai Ram!
Thank you Mahaparayan group for such an incredible opportunity given to devotees like me. I am blessed to get placed in the MahaPrayan group.
We are living in the USA. My husband’s Green Card processing just started and due to corona all the proceedings are delayed and in the moment of waiting for PERM approval. We heard the project was completed in the client location of where my husband is working. My family had no clue what was happening. If there was no project assigned to him soon there was a chance to look for a new employer and the Green Card processing would start again and it would take another 1 year to start processing. We were worried a lot and no interview calls were coming. Two months passed with the same employer and no client opportunities were coming. Our tension increased. I told my mother about the situation and she prayed to Baba and promised to do parayan for 3 weeks.
After starting parayan that first week of Thursday, my husband got an interview call from one client but it didn’t go through. But Baba gave us confidence that He was there to save us. I was always chanting “OM SAI RAM” in those 3 weeks. From then my husband started getting client interviews and exactly when the parayan was completed, on Thursday my husband’s job got confirmed and PERM got approved.
Isn’t it Baba’s miracle? Without Him how it would have happened on the same day. Now we have such a relief as there is no need to change to another employer.
My eyes are rolling with tears when I am writing this. Baba, please show Your blessing on us forever. Thank You.
Sai Devotee Prathibha
#MP-Experience 4033
Sai’s Timing – Miracle Happened Within 6 Months Of Joining Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee USA Says:
I have been a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba since my childhood. I got married in the year 2015 after that everything was normal. Then suddenly I was having stomach pain continuously. I went to a doctor who did some tests and I was diagnosed with pcos. After that I went to many gynaecologists. They gave me medicines but everyone told me only one thing that my chances of getting pregnant was just 5%. I was very much worried but was taking medicines with a hope that everything would be fine and I could conceive as there was atleast 5% chance. After that my husband got an opportunity to work in USA and he came to USA in December 2018 and later on I joined him in March 2019. As soon as I came to the United States my periods got delayed for 3-4 months and then I took an appointment with a gynaecologist here in the USA and they gave me my first appointment in Jan 2020 .
After that I came to know about the Global Mahaparayan from one of the friend groups and I joined the group in October 2019. As soon as I joined, I read about the experiences of the people after joining the mahaparayan and I got a ray of hope that by doing this Maha parayana my wish will be fulfilled. I started my first Mahaparayan on October 17th 2019. As soon as I did my first parayana, I received a call from the hospital that my appointment had been preponed from January 2020 to November 1st 2019 and after that everything went very smoothly. I received medications but my doctor said that I might need surgery and asked me to schedule the surgery. I called the hospital to schedule for surgery but the receptionist said that my doctor was on leave and would return back in August 2020.
I was praying to Sai Maa that without surgery I should conceive and the miracle happened. Sai Maa blessed me and I conceived in April 2020 and without any surgery I became pregnant . I was surprised the day I came to know that I was pregnant. It was also a Thursday and now I am blessed with a baby in Jan 2021. Within 6 months the Mahaparayan miracle happened. Thanks to this Mahaparayan and thanks to Sai Maa Who fulfilled my wish and made the impossible as possible and gave me happiness of being a mother and experiencing motherhood.
“It is well said that no one returns with an empty hand from Sai Darbar”. One should remember the teachings of Sai Baba -“Shradha” and “Saburi” Because timing is everything. If it is meant to happen then it will happen at the right time.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4034
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Having faith in Baba itself will make the blessings follow. Let us feed faith, love and the positive inputs like ‘I can’ in our subconscious mind and it will get trained accordingly. Hang on to Baba with faith and patience and He will make all the dreams come true. Lets not shift our focus from our goal and continue our efforts with all our heart and soul. Baba will always reward the efforts, unswerving faith and patience with success and happiness. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Om Sai Ram…. Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba pleas shower your choicest blessings on them with a long life full of happiness, laughter, peace of mind, knowledge, wisdom, courage, ability and prosperity. Baba please be with each of them as a mentor, parent, guard, angel and Guru. You are the trimurthi of workship. Baba please hold their hands and protect my little family from all danger and evil. Baba help me through the day and be there for my family through you. Baba you are everything I surrender to you fully. Help my kids each day and the elder with a job … he is travelling soon, I hope you will take care of their program and protect them at all times. Help them all get peace of mind, hope, strength and forward focus. Thank you baba. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om Sai arogya kshemadaya namah 🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏