Baba Is With Me Always

Shirdi Sai Devotee Radhaji Says: I am Radha and I’m a Mahaparayan member. (MP- 3187, Kavin Sai, Roll no.10) I would like to share my experience that happened on Sunday 23.2.2020. For the last ten years, for everything I call…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Radhaji Says: I am Radha and I’m a Mahaparayan member. (MP- 3187, Kavin Sai, Roll no.10) I would like to share my experience that happened on Sunday 23.2.2020. For the last ten years, for everything I call…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Niranjanaji Says: Sai Ram! I am a devotee of Lord Sai Baba. I had a good experience after I started reading Mahaparayan. My right ear got affected with an infection. I suffered a lot for a month…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee From USA Says: Sai Ram! Please keep me Anonymous. I am a Devotee from USA, part of the MahaParayan group MP-1084N1. I am extremely grateful that I was given a chance by Baba to be a…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Jahanji Says: Sai Saranam! (complete surrender to my beloved Baba) This is Jahan (U64 Vice principal) I am just sharing my experience that happened last Thursday (20-02-2020) As soon as I completed my validation of Mahaparayan classes…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: Sai Ram! Thanks a lot to the team behind Mahaparayan. With Baba’s and my parents’ blessings, I am going to write about my recent experience. Please keep me anonymous. I had promised to Baba, that…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: Sai Ram! Pranams at the lotus feet of Shirdi Baba and Sathya Sai Baba. Baba, please grant me the ability to comprehend Your interventions in my life and be able to relate those experiences for…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Ranjithaji From USA Says: Sai Ram! This is Ranjitha from MP-610 USA group. I sincerely thank each and every one who has been running this Mahaparayan for Samastha Loka successfully and I wish that this continues forever…
Anonymous Shirdi Sai Devotee Says: My humble pranam at Your lotus feet Baba. With the blessings of Baba and my parents, I am narrating my experience. Baba, please help me to express properly Your leela, Your love, and care. Please…
Shirdi Sai Devotee Aparnaji Says: Sai Ram! This is Aparna Hariharan, D/o R. Hariharan and Mrs. Kanchana Hariharan. I and my family have been a part of the holy Mahaparayan Group since last year. Baba has pinpointed our fingers and…