Experiences Shared By Members Of MahaParayan:

Mahaparayan Gave Me A Chance To Know Baba Better

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:

Om Sai Ram!

Please keep my name anonymous. I would like to share my experience which is related to my job. I have been associated with Baba since 2014 but was not aware about His teachings. I just visited Sai temple in my colony every Thursday and that’s it. I had no idea about His leelas and the message He sent to mankind.

Since the year 2014 I passed my B.Tech, I have struggled a lot for a job. I had a backlog in my final paper and that was the only backlog I had in my entire 4 years. During that time I made a lot of wrong decisions. The paper I had backlog was an optional paper. I could have skipped and got my provisional certificate. But I decided to reappear for the exam and that took an entire year and without clearing that I won’t get the provisional certificate and would not be allowed to attend campus recruitment which was being conducted in my hometown at that time. By that time my batchmates had already been recruited by elite MNC’s and had joined Bangalore and other metropolitan cities. I was regretting my decision at that time. By the time I got my provisional certificate after clearing the paper it was almost 1 year. All the campus recruitment were done in the city and even though I was applying, I was not getting any calls. This made me depressed, my parents were really worried and asked me to travel to Bangalore or Hyderabad for better scope but I was so depressed that I didn’t feel like stepping out of the house. I had lost all confidence and fear of rejection did not allow me to take that step and that was another bad decision worse than the previous one which made me jobless for 3 years.

From 2014 to 2016 I was jobless, I was doing training here and there but did not have a stable job. Then I got a job in 2017, my first job in a local company where I was given employment on referral basis because the company CEO was my father’s friend. Even though that was not the company I wanted to work but after being jobless for 3 years I had no other option and I assumed that if I gained some experience, I could switch to a better organization in future. So, I worked there for 3 years and those 3 years were the worst phase of my life, worse than the period I was jobless . The unnecessary office politics, unprofessional culture, being targeted for no reason had drained me so much that I had slip disc attacks thrice. During that time I decided to look for a job in elite companies. Even after having experience I had to struggle a lot for getting a chance for an interview because I was not staying in the IT Hub place where chances are comparatively more. Even during those years I kept visiting Sai Baba temple every single Thursday but was not devoted to Him.

Finally comes 2020 which was a life – changing year not just for me but for everyone. The starting was on a very positive note for me because I had got 2 job offers from topmost MNCs, out of which I had made up my mind to work in one of them. I had resigned and got released from the previous company just a day before lock down. Then after that another set of struggles started and so did my bond with Sai Baba.

It was after my 28th Birthday; on 1st April that it seemed like I got a new life. I was watching youtube when I saw this Mahaprayan link and enrolled myself into it, started reading Sai Satcharitra and started watching Sai Baba channels on YouTube, listening to Sai Baba teachings, following Sai Baba pages on Instagram. Even after the world was going topsy-turvy because of Coronavirus, inside me I was feeling the kind of peace which I had longed for since the past 6 years without going to a temple. From morning I woke up to night till I slept everywhere around me was Sai Baba and that was giving me a lot of confidence. It seemed like Baba and I had come a lot closer and I was regretting why in these many years I didn’t understand that.

Then came the time of me joining the new company, because Corona IT industry was the worst hit and I was worried whether I would be on board on time or not. I was supposed to join the company I wanted to join on 13 April whereas the other one had postponed their on-boarding process for an indefinite time period because of COVID. This did not bother me because the company I wanted to join was virtually on boarding whereas the one which had been postponed was the one which I never wanted to join. But for some reason my joining on April 13 did not happen because of some document verification being pending and that was the time I got really worried. It made me feel like a month back I had 2 job offers and now the situation was so critical. I was constantly praying to Baba to come to my rescue and I was confident that Baba would help me because of the experiences since the past few days. On 23rd April I got on boarded to the company I wanted to join and the day was Thursday, that was the first time I sensed about Sai’s miracle with me which I used to read from other’s experiences. Then after that there has been lot of struggle and every time I was to do something important such as calls, meetings or anything and if any blocker had come on the way Sai had always come to my rescue and helped me to complete my work in the last moment till date.

It was yesterday that I got to know something that surprised me and increased my devotion to Sai Baba. When I had given an interview for this company I had attended telephonic technical rounds and then got confirmation for the HR round to happen but just a month after that I got an offer letter directly without any invitation of HR round. I was quite surprised but again I was happy because I got the job. Yesterday while having a call with one of my senior regarding a project interview call, he said as per the company rule there is telephonic technical round, then there is HR round where the candidate has to attend a face to face interview with HR and then only one can get an offer letter. Few days before this incident I got a call from another company which had postponed for an indefinite period that my offer letter had been revoked because there had been discrepancies in my background verification documents. I was surprised to the core by these 2 incidents. Sai Baba didn’t just save me from a disaster but also gifted me something which I was otherwise not eligible for.

Baba not only saved me from calamity but also gave me a new life, a purpose to live, instigated a sense of determination to do something in life and most important peace of mind all that I had lost since the past 6 years. My job, my life, everything is Sai Baba’s. I have literally surrendered myself at His feet. There are struggles even today in job and life but I am not stressed about it, because both are not mine but they are Baba’s and whatever is Baba’s it lasts forever.

There are certain things I have learned from my experiences is that anybody is not allowed to go to Baba as they will. It is Baba Who allows us to come to Him and if we are that lucky and if we have got a chance it becomes our responsibility to put our faith and trust in Him, else He won’t be able to help. Till 6 years I had no idea about Baba’s miracles or leelas. I went to the temples because amongst all the chaos that were going on in my life; I found peace there at least for some time. Baba helped me come out of that hell and for the 6 years I had to suffer because of my Karma. Our mere presence at Sai Baba’s darbar means we are being watched and if we put faith in Him, every task of ours will be taken care of.

Once we have surrendered our self at His feet without thinking what is going to happen next, we should continue working towards our goal and life. Keeping Shraddha and Saburi in Him and without any second thought, if we continue doing what we are supposed to do , He is surely going to help you at the right time. Living in the present moment is the key .

I owe my life to Baba, there is nothing I can do without Him. He is the sole dispenser of our affairs. I thank The Mahaprayan group for enrolling me and giving me a chance to get to know Baba better.

Om Sai Ram!

Anonymous Sai Devotee

#MP-Experience 1654

Sincere Gratitude To Mahaparayan Family

http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2012/07/Submit-posts-to-article-directories.html MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra | experiences.mahaparayan.com

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Piyush From India Says:

Om Sai Ram.
My Name is Piyush Tantia, from Kolkata (W.B) with roll no : 1 (Red House Captain) of the Mahaparayan group MP-4916N1 Sumita Sai.

Though words or a few sentences are not enough to describe or share my Baba’s leelas but still I feel blessed to be a part of it and wanted to share my last week’s experience that happened with me. I had a small fight over the phone with one of my best friends residing in Mumbai and as a result of which we both did not talk to each other for a couple of days.

On 21st Aug 2020 at around evening 6 pm she called me up and we cleared all misunderstanding, then suddenly she shared with me that since the last two days she had been vomiting blood and had visited a doctor and had tests for the same. The report was expected the same day on 21st Aug 2020, at 8pm. The doctor said while testing that it could be cancer too but have to wait for the tests reports.

After listening to all these, I was out of my mind and started crying to her over phone badly and started regretting over the past 2 days she passed in pain which was not known to me just because of non-communication amongst us.

I was on the terrace at that time, and was just crying badly and praying Baba only for her quick recovery and negative tests reports.
I called up our CT of MP-4916N1 and explained her the whole thing while crying and she assured me a prayer for her via our Mahaparayana family and she asked me to read Ch 13 & 15 of Sri Sai Satcharitra. Post reading she also asked me to take Udi with water and chant Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Udi Mantra, also she asked me to chant 108 times Om Sri Sai Aarogya Pradayakaya Namah. I did exactly what I was told to do.

Exactly at around 8:15 pm I got the reports from her which stated the reports to be negative. I was feeling like flying high with no rules across the sky with Baba on my side. It was one of my blessed days of the year 2020.

Thank you for the wonderful Global prayer for my bestie by our loving Mahaparayana family.
Om Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Piyush  

 #MP-Experience 1655

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Mahaparayan is not less than Baba’s gift in this kaliyuga to the Samasta Loka. It is a global mass prayer involving reading of 2 chapters every Thursday where thousands of people from all the continents are just not participating but also coming forward to serve Baba which is so easy and can be done from home or anywhere provided you have a smartphone and love and will to serve Sai. Here only your time is your investment.

In short It is only Baba and only Baba Who chooses His devotees for Mahaparayan be it reading or serving. Baba the wire puller of us all, has perfect timing for everything and everyone, unless He wishes we will not be able to walk on the path of His bhakti. We are truly blessed to be a part of Sai sewa journey, what could be better than this in this Kaliyug to cross the ocean of bhava sagar. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊
– Pooja Garg



Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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One comment


    I enjoyed reading both mind blowing experiances &Poojaji"s beautiful summary.
    Thanks BABA for enrolling me to walk in this holy path.I am always indebted to

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