Sai Baba Blessed My Daughter With The Best

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Bhavna From India Says:
Hi, I have been a Sai Baba devotee since I was a child. I love Him so much. He has always been there with me in my ups and downs. Want to share a recent experience of how Baba blessed my daughter with the best.
My daughter had taken her 12th board and was not getting the college she wanted. She got very dejected and lost her confidence completely as she had scored 97.6 and was also the school topper. Everyone at home was very upset. I too was upset and told Baba, “I would give her to You. I know You will do what’s best for her.”
There our Baba Sai did a miracle again as she got through a better college than the one she had wanted. That’s my Baba; always there for us. You just have to completely surrender to Him. May Baba bless us always. Love Him so much. Om Sai Ram.
Sai Devotee Bhavna Sapra
#MP-Experience 2069
Sai Baba Came To Assure And Calm Down The Anxiety

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Prerna From India Says:
Om Sairam!
I wish to share my experience with Baba and how He assured me and calmed my anxiety. I was married for 7 years and had not been able to conceive. So I started my treatment at Jaslok hospital, Mumbai. After almost a year of treatment when I visited my doctor in February 2011, my doctor suggested that I should wait for a few months as there were a few factors that were yet not favorable. Hearing this I was quite dejected and thought about whether I should go on with the treatment or stop. I just wanted a few minutes to gather myself and go home. I decided to have a cup of coffee in the common waiting area and sat down.
An old lady dressed in a white saree sat down next to me and asked me if I had come to visit someone. Normally I wouldn’t speak to strangers but I was in a vulnerable mood and she spoke to me in my mother tongue, so I replied that I was patient. Then the conversation went on and she told me that Jaslok offers some free services to older patients so she comes from Ulhasnagar for the check-up.
I told her about my struggle and that I was worried as my age was progressing and I did not have a child. She then assured me that I should not worry as the doctors in Jaslok were very good and that I would be blessed with a child soon. I smiled and asked her if she would like to eat anything. After insisting, she agreed to have a cup of tea.
As we finished, we stood up to walk towards the bus stop. I offered her 500 Rs to take a cab home. She refused and said I should pay her 100 Rs. I gladly gave that. As my bus came before hers, I asked her if I could leave as this bus comes once in 1 hour. There was a long traffic queue ahead. She nodded and I got on the bus.
During those days, I was reading the Sai Satcharitra daily. So as I sat and saw the traffic ahead, I decided to read on the bus. As I opened the book from where I left off…the first line that I read was that Baba comes in any form and takes what you are owing Him. I was shocked and as we had hardly moved, I immediately stepped out of the bus but the old lady was nowhere to be seen at the bus stop!
I realized that it was none other than Baba Who came to assure me that I was in the right hands with the doctor and I should not stop my treatment. And with his blessing that year in June I was pregnant and the following February exactly a year later I had a beautiful baby boy.
Baba is omnipresent and always blessing His children.
Sai Devotee Prerna
#MP-Experience 2068
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The very fact that the lady being a stranger spoke exactly in Prernaji’s mother tongue and later her words too coming true shows that it was none other than Baba Himself. He marked His presence by His absence (when the lady was no whee to be seen). Amazing are His leelas. Sometimes some delays happen for good; else how could Prerna ji meet Sai and get closer to Him? Have faith in Him, believe with patience and miracles would not be far away from you. He will relieve all the stress, fear, anxiety and bless you with the best at His perfectly perfect timing! Don’t worry as we have Sai and His blessings. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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