Sai’s Omniscience For The Allocated Mahaparayan Chapters

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Chachu From India Says:
Sai Ram. I’m a Sai Baba devotee and myself joined the Global Mahaparayan group through the reference of my sister two weeks back.
The moment I was added to the Global Mahaparayan group I felt the miracle of Baba. My actual name is Mahalakshmi but my pet name by which my close people call me is “Chachu” and my name in the Parayanam group also somehow got registered as Chachu which made me feel that Baba accepted me as His pet child and also my roll number happened to be 9 which again made me feel that Baba accepted my bhakthi as there are 9 types of bhakthi about which Baba has narrated in chapter 21 of Satcharithra and also He gave 9 coins to Laxmi bai during His last breath as a symbol of bhakthi.
In the 1st week I was assigned the chapters 18-19 and 20. I wanted my son also to get involved in this reading and as he also was interested he started reading 18-19 chapters but stopped in half and told me to read the remaining. I completed my Aarthi with neivedhyam of Sugar Candy to Baba and immediately sat to read the remaining from where my son left and the first line was “Aarthi ceremony completed, sugar candy was distributed” It was exactly the scene that had happened at my house at that moment. Baba again showed His omnipresence.
Then on the same day after all these I was sharing to my 10 year son and husband my happiness about my roll number as 9 and the importance of number nine and a brief about nine types of bhakti. I told them that in some chapters of Satcharitra Baba had explained about the 9 forms of devotion as I didn’t remember the chapter number that day.
In the 2nd week the chapters allocated to me were 21 and 22. That day I wanted my son and husband to be a part of my reading so I told them that I will read the assigned chapters loudly and wanted them both to listen to the reading carefully. And to our surprise, the 21st chapter was the chapter in which 9 types of bhakthi were explained in detail, about which I was trying to explain to my husband and son the previous week.
All these shows Baba’s omnipresence and He is listening to all of us and reading in this Mahaparayan with full devotion definitely creates very positive vibes in all our lives and family too. Jai Sairam!
For everyone’s reference, attach the mentioned lines on my mail content from 18-19 chapters on the first week and the mentioned lines on my mail content from chapter 21 on the second week 9 types of bhakthi.
Please include these pics also. Jai Sairam..!

Sai Devotee Chachu
#MP-Experience 2069
Sai Baba Helped Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Vijaya Says:
Hi Sai
I would like to pen down my story where Sai Baba helped us.
Last year 2019 for a few months my husband was not feeling well and we both had nightmares about his health and continuously prayed to Sai to take care and help us to overcome.
We decided to visit India. Before our trip to India, we went to dinner with our friends. While returning home our cab driver suddenly was talking about Sai. He was of another nationality and yet he told us that he had an Indian friend who was a devotee of Sai Baba and that Sai would show us a way on any difficult road. We both were in a deep shock as we didn’t know how to respond because we never spoke about Sai Baba in the cab. Suddenly he told us about this after returning home. I was thinking that Sai will take care of everything.
When we came back to India while we were on the way to hospital we had seen Sai Baba pics everywhere like the backside of a random car or when we were stuck in traffic or when we had given all the tests and were waiting to meet the doctor, there too we had seen Sai Baba’s photo on the doctor’s desk. We were speechless with Baba’s blessings. With His grace all our health reports are normal .
We will be thankful to Sai Baba throughout our lifetime.
Waiting for His blessings in the wish we have asked for, will write that experience as well once Sai will grant us the most beautiful thing in our life .
Please keep us in your prayers .
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Vijaya
#MP-Experience 2070
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. He is everywhere, knowing everything and can solve the biggest problems and bless His children with peace and joy. Such leelas clearly show that Baba Himself pulls His devotees into Mahaparayan, allocates the roll no, weekly chapters and makes His devotees read and serve. Without His will not a leaf moves. Mahaparayan is a boon to Sai children in this Kaliyuga to move closer to Sai and serve Him as well. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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