Mahaparayan Is A Shield For My Family

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Please keep me anonymous.
Om Sairam!
Global Mahaparayan is a great gift for Sai devotees. I have joined the Global Mahaparayan in the month of June 2020. One of my friends sent me the details of the Global Mahaparayan group in the beginning of May, but I was quite hesitant to join the group, thinking whether I would be able to do this along with my daily chores. My friend called me after a few days and she forced me to join the group. I was quite sure that something was pushing me to join this group, so I thought this was my Baba’s decision.
After a month of participating in the Global Mahaparayan, suddenly my son(10 year old ) became sick and hospitalised. The next day when he was admitted, I went to the nearby Baba’s mandir while on my way to the hospital. I had already visited the same mandir many times, but surprisingly the priest in the mandir gave me Udi and a photo card of Baba, which shows a Gayathri mantra of Dhanvanthri Baba (which means God of medicines). I had that photo in my hand and went to the hospital. I mixed the Udi in water and gave it to my son. He got discharged on the same day, but the doctors said that he should take medication for 2 years to overcome this.
I have completed the Sai Satcharitra book once, but not kept all the Sai lessons in mind. Initially I was very worried about the medications, but something inside me is telling that Baba rescued my family from a severe storm and gave shelter. The chapter I was reading that week was exactly a solution for my fear and confusion. He showered His blessings and love for my son. I am 100% sure that Baba protected, is protecting and will protect my family and gift us the healthy life back. Sairam.
Sai Appa, I love You loads from the bottom of my heart. You are my everything. Jai Sairam.
Thank you!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3067
Sai Baba Blessed Me With A Mahaparayan Experience

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From Australia Says:
Om Sai Ram! I want to keep my name anonymous. I’m part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-10152N1 and from Australia. I would like to share my experiences of how Baba came into my life and also how He blessed me with the opportunity of being part of the Mahaparayan group.
My grandmother was a devotee of Baba. The house she stayed in was called “Sai Nilayam” back in the 1960’s and the home owners were great devotees of Baba. Hence with that devotion my father had his name with “SAI”. Baba came into my life when I was just 1 year old. When my first day was approaching my mother wanted to do Ayush homam but my grandmother said what more you need will just take the baby to Sai Baba temple(Chennai) and do an archana. That’s how Baba first blessed me.
After that I never had any close affinity to Baba though I used to hear His name everywhere. My life was good, I had a good education, good IT job, got married to the person whom I loved the most and have two lovely children. Though I had a loving husband, I never had support from in-laws. I was stressed and had too many family issues so couldn’t cope up with work stress and taking care of kids. It was in 2013, I was diagnosed with a life threatening disease and I had to undergo treatment for 1 year. It was with Baba’s grace I was able to fight it out and come out bravely. All my good friends were deeply saddened to know about my illness. My neighbour was a great devotee of Baba and she had taken the oath that if I recovered well then she would take me to Baba temple. One of my very close family friends went to Shirdi at that time and came to see me with Shirdi prasad and hence Baba was always with me.
After I recovered better, we took a decision to leave India and migrate to Australia. While we were doing the arrangements, my husband met an old lady in his office who was a great Baba devotee. As my husband just mentioned that we were going to Australia, she mentioned that her relatives or sons are in Australia too and she gave us a Baba photo saying that He will bless us through this journey. I framed the picture and brought it with me here and kept it on my pooja shelf. I definitely felt that Baba was blessing me with my decision.
We came to Australia and we were settling and the first few people I got to know were all Baba devotees. I came to know that there is a Baba murti in a temple and every Thursday there will be pooja. I started visiting the temple and also volunteered in the kitchen a few times. Baba blessed me with a good job and also we bought our new home.
In May 2020, I had a dream that my friend who stays in the same city as me came to our home as family. It was Thursday morning and casually I messaged her to ask how she was doing as she came in my dreams. After a few messages, she asked me “Are you a Sai Baba devotee” and then told me about the Global Mahaparayan. I was in immense joy that Baba Himself made this happen and couldn’t believe how He Himself came in a different form to tell me to join the Global Mahaparayan. She sent me the details immediately and I was added to one of the groups.
After I started the Global Mahaparayan, I have started feeling the positivity and vibrations that Baba is blessing us with. I wait for every Thursday so that I can spend the day just praying to Baba and His divine power. I also wanted to share Baba’s miracles from Mahaparayan.
As we were settling in the new country, we just had one car to travel. We were really struggling with it. In June 2020, the first thing that happened was we were able to buy a second car. We tried it so many times earlier but something or the other stopped us from proceeding further. We were also able to think about buying our next home and things started falling in place automatically for the same. Next was my job. I have been trying to move out of my current job for the last 3 years and I could never clear any interviews. Baba again blessed me with that. I got a call automatically for the job that I had applied for one year ago. The interview was scheduled on Thursday and I easily cleared the interview and got the job.
Baba came into my life, He made me do the Mahaparayan and He is showing me the right path. I always feel the positivity and divine power when I read Satcharitra every week. I have also now told my mother to order the book and start reading two chapters every Thursday. I’m praying to Baba that He will as well bless her to cope up with her health issues and keep her healthy.
Om Sai Ram! Sri Sachidananda Sathguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 3068
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai’s love and grace act as a shield for His children. Having faith in Baba itself will make the blessings follow. Let us feed faith, love and the positive inputs like ‘I can’ in our subconscious mind and it will get trained accordingly. Hang on to Baba with faith and patience and He will make all the dreams come true. Lets not shift our focus from our goal and continue our efforts with all our heart and soul. Baba will always reward the efforts, unswerving faith and patience with success and happiness. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg11-Sep-2022
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!