Very Grateful To You Sai Baba

Very Grateful To You Sai Baba

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Dipanawita From USA Says:

This is Baba devotee Dipanwita from US, from the Global MahaParayan Group MP-555N1 US. I am grateful to Baba for everything that I have today. 

I have already shared many experiences, few have already been published and few,  I hope will be published soon.

I have experienced  Baba’s leelas many times as if anything happens in life I pray to Baba mentally. I keep talking to Baba whenever I am sad, or indecisive or confused. Baba has shown me a path in different ways. 

Recently my 6 years old son suddenly got sick and had a high temperature and runny nose. Also he had congestion. One night he could not sleep and was very restless. I got very scared and started praying to Baba to make him alright. I could not see my son in such a condition. I put Udi on his head and also gave a pinch in his milk and by Baba’s grace and blessings he started feeling better the next morning. I am always so grateful to You Baba!

Also the next day he felt much better and he went out and started playing  and it was very windy outside. He started coughing very badly, he was coughing continuously and he did not sound good. We gave him some medicine. I prayed to Baba and massaged Udi around his throat and his forehead and put him to bed. I prayed to Baba to help him to sleep and rest. 

He slept like an angel. He looked so peaceful and woke up fresh with full energy to join his online school. I could not believe my own eyes. 

Thank You so much Baba for Your blessings and for taking care of my family. Somehow even if I am in a bad situation, Baba gives me mental strength to believe in Him.

I am fortunate as Baba is in my life and I pray to Baba to keep me and my family always in His lotus feet.

Om Sai Ram!

Sai Devotee Dipanwita

#MP-Experience 4069

Sai Blessed My Daughter With Her Dream University  

Sai Blessed My Daughter With Her Dream University

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee MKD From India Says:

Shirdi Sai Mahaprayan Devotee MKD Says: Sai Ram Pooja Ji,

I am a member of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-670N1. My experience is about how Baba blessed my daughter to get acceptance into her dream college. 

My daughter is in senior school year and she started getting ready for college prep from Class 11. Due to COVID atmosphere all around and school and tuitions happening online, the college prep was not going that great and prep exams like SAT and ACT were postponed a lot of times and I was worried about my daughter’s college seat. Due to visa limitations and cost incurred in outside colleges, I was praying to Baba to bless my daughter in a nearby university and that should make my daughter happy. I prayed to Baba to give me college admission, so that me and my daughter should feel happy.

My daughter started applying for colleges and with little tensions passing by, she completed sending applications. I wanted to do 9 Thursday vrat for her admission, but was not sure as I do fasting on every Thursday until vrat is completed and I know that Baba doesn’t like fasting. Meanwhile I was doing the Mahaparayan and my daughter was doing her Balaparayan also. Inspite of all this I still wanted to do special pooja for this admission thing.

One day when I was sorting my pooja shelf, I found “SRI SAI DIVYA POOJA BOOK” which some one had shared with me long back. I opened that book and saw what it was about as I had no clue about it. One the very first page it was mentioned that this vrat needs to be done without fasting, I was dumb stuck. That book which was with me from time to time, why I did not see it before, why I should open it when I had that doubt of fasting. Is that miracle not enough for me to feel the blessing of Sai? Through this pooja, Baba gave a solution to my confusion and showed another pooja for me. 

First five weeks I did this pooja for  the applications to be processed completely, without any obstacles. By the end of 4 weeks, all applications status was submitted. Then I started another 5 weeks vrat for her admissions. Then I prayed to Baba, “I don’t know which college is good for her. You know better than me. Please choose a college which should be good for as a parent and good for her too.” Same thing happened and in the 4th week, my wish was fulfilled. Thanks Baba, Thanks Sai. How much ever I praise You and thank You it’s not enough. You are my Saviour. If You are with me Sai, that’s enough for me. Love You Deva. Don’t ever leave me.

Now comes the third time of my same vrat. My sister’s son, who is of the same age as my daughter, was also waiting for college admission and my sister was worried about it. So I started my third time praying for his admission. In the third week itself, he got admission in his own state clearing all tensions.Thanks Baba, You did it again!

I strongly believe, “One has to have patience and perseverance with complete faith and Baba knows what’s best for His devotees.”

Thank You Baba and please be with us in every moment of our life. Om Shri Sacchidanand Satguru Sai Nath Maharaj Ki Jai!

Thanks and Regards,

Sai Devotee MK Durga

#MP-Experience 4070

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

When we hold on to Baba’s finger with Shraddha and Saburi then the biggest of the storm cannot harm us. Baba, our merciful father makes sure that He does the best possible for us owing to our Karmic account. Let us amputate the negativities and doubts within us and stand firm in devotion for Baba. Good actions, good thoughts never go waste, they undoubtedly lead towards goodness when most needed! Baba will clear all the obstacles very soon and miracles are bound to happen.
 Jai Sairam!Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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One comment

  1. Om Sai Ram… Baba please protect my husband and children. Baba please protect them from danger and evil and give them a long healthy life , filled with happiness, joy, peace of mind, energy, courage, wisdom, knowledge, strength, faith, patience, peace and prosperity. Baba please be with my husband, I am very very scared. You were there for A all the time and hope you will be there to protect my hubby too. Please remove his cough and give him a healthy body and mind. Help him do his daily tasks free from tension. My elder got a regret and I believe you have a better plan for him. My younger needs your company and protection. Please be with my family at all times Baba. Baba fill our house and minds with happiness and content. Be with us at all times Baba. Protect us Baba. I surrender to you. Om Sai Rakshak sharanam deva 🙏 Om sai arogya kshemadaya namah🙏 Om siddhivinayak namo namah 🙏

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