Why Fear When I Am Here?

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From UK Says:
Sai Ram Devotees,
I have had many experiences of Sai Baba being by my side, especially since I joined the Global Mahaparayan. My husband has also joined the group. I always run to Baba for anything small or big as He is the only Mother, Father, Guide, Guru and Friend I have. Something happened over the last weekend which I am sharing.
I noticed a black mole on my husband’s face over the weekend. Since I suffer from anxiety, I got scared that it could be something sinister. My mind started racing in all directions as I love my husband and he is the only family I have apart from my son and Baba. I put Udi on the mole and made a video appointment with the Doctor who on examining said that he needs further check up. I got worried and prayed to Baba that if we see through this then I would share the experience with His devotees.
We eventually managed an appointment with our doctor on Monday who assured us that there was nothing to worry. Baba had already given me the indication that this was a false alarm. Two days after this, the mole turned into a scab and fell off.
I hugged my Baba and prayed to always protect me and my family. Please keep your faith and devotion, He will never let us down.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4071
Sai Baba’s Grace For Healing Me

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Yamini From India Says:
Om Sai Ram!
My name is Yamini. I joined the Global Mahaparayan on 04/11/2020 and the first reading was on 05/11/2020. I would like to thank Ms Kavita for adding me to the whatsapp group and guiding me on the chapters to read.
My health issue started just before Deepawali. My menses were coming very frequently and not stopping on time. I visited a doctor and was told that I had a fibroid (growth in my stomach) which had grown very large. I was shocked as I never had any health issues until now. Doctor mentioned that surgery was the only option to remove it.
In December, I went to the government hospital and was given a date in January for an appointment with a doctor. Since I was bleeding non stop, I went to a private hospital and the doctor there recommended a senior surgeon in the government hospital and my appointment was fixed the next week itself. By this time I was bleeding non stop for more than 2 weeks. The surgeon examined me and fixed the surgery on 10/01/2021. As the surgery date was nearing, the surgeon called and informed them that they needed to postpone the surgery. I was worried because I had been bleeding non stop for one month but I just prayed to Baba as He knows the best.
On 12/01/2021, the doctor called and asked me to come to the hospital the next day and the surgery was fixed on 15/01/2021. Everything just happened so fast and I was admitted to the ward for surgery. Doctor mentioned in the worst case they would have to remove my uterus but with Baba’s grace everything went successfully without any complications. Although there are side effects of the surgery, I’m grateful to Baba for everything. Baba made sure that everything went smoothly without any complications.
I believe that Baba is with me all the time guiding me and giving me strength to bear the pains. It’s only by His grace that the growth was removed successfully without causing any issue to the uterus. It’s 2 months now since the surgery and the wound is fully healed.
Thank You Baba for everything.
Believe in Him and He will be with us always.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Yamini
#MP-Experience 4072
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us hug devotion and blessings too will come and embrace us. Sai Baba’s ways are beyond our human intellect. His ways we can never ever understand. Although Baba always works out what would be best for His children we sometimes fail to understand His cleansing process and blame our Mother Baba. Let us surrender in total then our Helmsman surely will be able to help us cross this materialistic worldly ocean. Trust Him with all Your heart and He will not let you down. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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