Mother Came Back Home Safely

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shri Laxmi From India Says:
Hi Team,
Thank you for providing this platform to share our experiences.
Sairam, my mother had to travel to Nagpur where corona cases were higher and more than in South India. I was very much worried for her. I shouted at her not to go. Scolded my brother-in-law not to ask her to come to his place in Nagpur. But still, my mother went. She came back home safely without any infection. She is all good even after two or three weeks.
First I thought I will not immediately write about my experience after two-three weeks because it will come out after two-three weeks. So I forgot to write about my experience. I’m really sorry Baba. Really sorry.
Now she has been suffering from health issues and back pain for three days. Please cure her. Do not make her sick.
You know she does work and helps everyone. When we need her she will be sick. I told her not to travel and become sick by the time of my marriage. She never listens to me. Now when she has to take care of my marriage things she is in the bed being sick and suffering from lots of pain. Please cure her soon Baba. I beg You. I can’t see her in pain. I’m sorry for forgetting to write the post. Now I’m writing. Please consider my apologies. Please accept my request and cure her back pain. Give her strength, power, and energy to take care of marriage works. I’m leaving everything at Your holy lotus feet, Baba.
Jai Sairam, Om Sairam, Sri Sairam.
Sai Devotee Shri Laxmi
#MP-Experience 1813
Sai Baba Healed My Mother And Protects My Family

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From Abroad Says:
Om Sai Ram! Please keep me anonymous.
Thank You Baba for everything in my life! I thank Pooja ji for giving the opportunity to all Sai devotees to be a part of the Global Mahaparayan. Since I joined Mahaparayan, I have seen a lot of positive changes in my life. But I want to share a recent event in my life.
I stay abroad leaving behind my parents in India like many of us. The main disadvantage of staying away is they are getting old and during their ailments, we are not there instantly. I always regret that part of my life. But I always have this faith in my Baba that He is there, He has shown me signs in many ways to be taking care of my parents.
Well during this COVID situation we are social distancing, staying home and traveling has become a luxury now. So in this situation, my mom got sick. She was admitted to the hospital. When COVID patients were flowing into the hospitals and my mom was seriously sick. She got a liver ailment that was very severe. Her reports for liver enzymes were too high than the normal range that too by hundreds they were high. She was having a fever and had an inflamed liver. I cannot describe the situation, as when I think I get goosebumps. Well, my dad and mom are alone. My dad took my mom to the hospital and she got admitted on a Saturday. They didn’t start any treatment immediately as they had kept my mom in isolation to check the COVID. My dad was not allowed in the hospital. And as it was a Saturday, we had to wait till Monday afternoon for the COVID report.
By Baba’s grace, my mom’s treatment started on Monday evening immediately after her COVID report was negative and the IVs that were given for two days, kept her active. Baba was always there to heal my mom and give support to my dad in the crisis. I cannot thank Baba enough. I was feeling helpless here and was asking everyone I knew to please pray for my mom. Then someone who is Baba’s devotee volunteered to do pranic healing for my mom. It was as if Baba Himself did the healing. My mom got discharged within a week.
I cannot think of anything else than a miracle in my life. My mom’s liver enzymes were in the range of 500-600, whereas normal is within 50. She was cured by Baba. Now she is back to normal. I feel that Baba is taking care of my parents. He is giving them all the protection in their life. I cannot explain in words this miracle in my life. The circumstances that I have gone through are gone in a jiffy only because of my Baba’s grace. Baba please bless all of us and keep Your blessings in our life. Help us to do the righteous things in life, let our ego vanish, and let us always be able to help the needy and helpless. Please Baba keep Your Kripa in this world and help people during this crisis. Jai Jai Sai…!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1814
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Baba is the Greatest Healer and Shield for His devotees. Let us just not remember our Baba in crisis but every moment. If we learn to practice this then we will surely rise in life. All may forsake us but one thing is for sure that Baba will never ever forsake us. He is our support system; indeed the oxygen! He will take care no matter what goes around and will provide the necessary help when utmost needed. His ways are difficult to comprehend. Just believe in the Sai Power and it will help you overcome anxiety and restlessness. Please have Shraddha in Sai and Saburi within us and it will help you sail across.Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai ram, Om Sai ram, Om Sai Ram, Om Sai Ram
Om Sairam 🙏☺️
Sal ram
Sai appa… be with us my kids 🙏🙏
Om sai shri sai jai jai sai jai jai sai🌹🙏🌹
🙏 Om Sai Ram 🙏
🙏 Jai Sai Ram 🙏
🙏 Shraddha Saburi 🙏
🙏Sab ka Malik Eak 🙏
🙏 Sarve Jana Sukhino bhavantu 🙏
Om Sai Ram ❤️ 🙏