Sai Baba’s Love

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Om Sai Ram. Please keep my name anonymous if possible. I’ve been part of the Sai Global Mahaparayan since it started and I’m so proud to be Baba’s loving daughter.
I’m writing to share a few beautiful experiences with Sai Appa. Sai Baba is a Father like no other and the most wonderful Mother in the world. We are all so blessed to have our Baba in our lives. I feel and live with Baba everyday, but these are just a few tiny experiences from the bottom of my heart.
I was trying to get some documents related to a car loan and had no idea where to begin or what to do as I was in a hurry to sell my car. As my registered mobile number was incorrect, I was unable to get any information from the customer care. Finally, I just left everything to Baba and went to the loan office one afternoon without even knowing if it was open during this pandemic.
The office was very far away from my place. But, leaving everything to Baba, I started. In the car, I prayed to Baba to please take care of everything and surrendered to Him. The second I looked up after praying, I saw Baba’s photo inside the car, which I hadn’t noticed till now. That itself gave me so much happiness, but I then told Baba that I should see Him two more times before reaching the destination (I love playing games like this lovingly with Sai Appa like He’s my darling Father).
Then, of course, I immediately saw His photo and a sticker on two other cars and was very happy. After I reached the street, I got down from the car to search where the building was. Then, the driver’s phone rang and Baba’s aarti was His ringtone! Then, I walked further in that narrow street and immediately saw Sai Baba’s cart with His bhajans playing. How many wonderful darshans of our darling Deva in those short 45 minutes! I was so happy and needless to say, the work got finished very easily and I got the documents and came home.
Some days later, I developed a fever and sore throat and was very worried about the virus. I prayed to Baba, kept His Udi, drank It with water and prayed to Baba to please protect me. He immediately listened and from the next day, I was feeling better.
Yesterday, I was worried because a sales person I was talking to had not called back and I was waiting to finalise a deal. I prayed to Baba to please do whatever He thought was good and requested for a price that I was asking for. The person called today and was willing to provide it at the price I had asked for. This is all nothing but our Baba’s leelas. We are all so fortunate to be in His loving arms and grace.
Love You so much Baba. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
May Baba bless all of us abundantly and may we always love Him till the end of time.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1831
Sai Baba’s Blessings On Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Harika From India Says:
I am Harika, a devotee of Sai Baba belonging to the Sai Global Mahaparayan group MP-2941N1 and my husband Srinivas is also a devotee of Baba and a member of the Sai Global Mahaparayan. We strongly believe in Baba and Baba is taking care of us in each and every step of our life. We would like to share one of our experiences in which Baba showered His blessings on us.
We are a family of 6 members with me and my husband, two children and in-laws. We both are working and my Father-in-Law is a big support for us in each and every household work and both the in-laws take care of our children.
Two months ago my father-in-law had a tumour at the tip of the spine and after a biopsy it was diagnosed as cancer which is very rare in nature. The doctor has informed us that the tumour is between spine and rectum and it has already damaged some part of the rectum. The doctor has prepared us for the worst that the rectum has to be removed and it would be decided on the operation table. Doctor advised us to take him to Chennai as the removal of the tumour requires specialised surgeons. At that point of time we really felt helpless and thought why Baba was taking this type of test. One side Corona was spreading very fast and taking him to Chennai for operation at that time was a big challenge and on the other side we don’t know how much the surgery would cost as it was a major surgery.
By placing our burden on Baba, my husband took my father-in-law to Chennai. All the relatives did what they could do to help us. We only prayed Baba that the rectum should not be removed as it would be difficult for him to maintain that external tube throughout his life. My husband gave Baba’s Udi water to him for 3 days and even on the day of surgery. With the blessings of Baba, the surgery went well and the rectum was not removed and expenses also were within our range. We strongly believe that Baba in the form of an oncology doctor has saved his rectum even though the plastic surgeon had insisted on removing the rectum. Even radiation was not required as they cleared the tumour completely. They came back home after 25 days safely.
Om Sai Ram!
Sai Devotee Harika
#MP-Experience 1832
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sa(ai)i Baba is our Aai Baba and hence our world too (Aai in Marathi is Mother and Baba is Father). In true sense He is our Universal Eternal Parent, guardian, angel and a friend too. No matter what He will always be there for His bhaktas. As we move one step closer to Baba, Baba moves ten steps towards us. Such is His grace. Although we may not fully understand all His ways, they are indeed the best for us owig to our Karmic account and debts too. Have the least doubt about it. He guides and He protects us too; provided we move on the path shown by Him. When we walk on His path. He too walks with us. So when Sai intervenes miracles are bound to happen. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Si ram,baba your leelas keep us inspire and hope for better tomorrow..