Sai Knows Everything

Sai Knows Everything
Navratri Day 6 – October 1 – Color: Grey – Goddess Worshipped: Maa Katyayani

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Kiran From USA Says:

Om Sairam!

I am Kiran from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-7155N1 blue house. First, I would like to thank the people who are behind this Global Mahaparayan. Sai Satcharitra is a blessing for all of us.

Not only after joining the Mahaparayan but before also I experienced so many miracles in my life. If I am alive today it means that it is because of Sai. I came to the US in 2015. Since then I have been struggling with so many things personally and professionally. I used to work in India but after coming here I was finding it very difficult to establish my career. I was struggling to clear the interviews. I was losing hope and confidence.

I was silently struggling inside and was not able to share things with family as I felt they would worry. However, I knew that Baba knows everything and would answer at the right time. 

After reading Baba’s Satcharitra I started noticing positive things happening both financially, personally and professionally. With Baba’s blessing, we bought a beautiful house.

Recently I got an interview call on a weekend which normally does not happen in the US. I took it reluctantly, hoping nothing from it. Though it was just a formal conversation, it went well. At the end of the call I was told that I would be getting an update. In the evening I got a call from the company and it said that I would have to take another round of interviews. For that I said ok but was not expecting any output. After two days on Monday morning, I  got an email from the vendor saying that I cleared the interview and asked me to confirm the offer. I was totally surprised and was not believing what had happened as for a couple of months, there were many interviews that I had given, many went well and I cleared the rounds too but didn’t get any offer confirmed. Whereas this was just on one call that the job was confirmed. I really felt surprised for a moment. I know this surprise was from Baba only. 

Baba knows all our worries and answers them at the correct time. We just need to have shraddha and saburi. I am posting this as I promised to Baba. Baba bless all the devotees of Yours. Om Sairam .


Sai Devotee Kiran

#MP-Experience 4007

Sai Baba Saved Us From Natural Calamity

Sai Baba Saved Us From Natural Calamity

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From USA Says:

Sai Ram all. Please keep me anonymous.

I am so glad to submit another experience from Sai Baba. We are living in the USA . Currently there is a major setback in life with a threatening cold in parts of the country we are in. We were having power cuts as well. Some of our neighbours had flooding inside the house because of bursting of pipes due to the freezed water. One of our family friends had also come to our house because of a power cut at their house. We all were worried if power went out completely or if there would be no water supply. We would be so helpless in this freezing weather because of no heat. I suddenly felt the urge to pray to Baba that I leave all my burdens on You , You are the Caretaker of all of us. So I said if everything becomes normal by tomorrow ( Thursday ) then I would submit my experience to the Mahaparayan group.

The minute I said this, I felt a sudden relaxing feeling as if everything was taken care of. From that time there was almost no power cut and no water burst in our community. I am grateful to Baba for keeping all of us safe and sound. I read today’s chapter and said a heartfelt thank You to Baba.

Baba, thank You for everything. Keep believing in Him; He knows how to take care of you. Thank you. Sai Ram. 

Anonymous Sai Devotee

#MP-Experience 4008

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

Sai has control over all the elements as He is the wirepuller of this show of the Universe. He knows everything at its best so let us surrender the strings of our life in His hands for He can take the best care and as well as decisions for us. When Sai stands for us then nothing can stand before Sai. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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