Thankful And Truly Blessed By Sai

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Radhika From USA Says:
My name is Radhika. I joined the Global Mahaparayan group last year. My mother told me about this and I was very much interested. I am residing in Dallas, USA. I go to Baba’s temple with my family whenever we can. On Sundays I listened to devotees reading Sai Satcharitra at the temple. I always wanted to read the chapters and through the Global Mahaparayan, I am reading and learning more about Baba. I know that Baba truly understood my wish and blessed me.
There are many instances in my life and I know that Baba is always there with me. I was very attached to my grandfather, that’s my mom’s father. My love and affection for Baba is similar to the one I shared with my grandfather. I can tell Him anything and I know that He will listen to me and never judge me. I can fight with Him, be emotional and I know that He will always be by my side. I call Him Appoppa.
Whenever any one in my family falls sick, I give them Udi and it’s the greatest medicine in this world. Once my husband was not able to sleep because of the radiating pain in his left arm. He woke me up in the middle of the night and I was terrified. I went to my pooja room, got Udi and applied It on his forehead and arms and gave him some to take inside. I massaged his arms while constantly thinking of Baba. My husband slept and the next morning he woke up and there was no pain.
Another instance is with my daughter. She had pain in her stomach and I gave her Udi and she felt so relieved. Whenever she is not feeling well, she wants Baba’s Udi.
I apply Udi when my cat is not well. He is like my child and he was healed by Baba’s Udi. Whenever I have anxiety about anything I think of His words “Why fear when I am here?”
Baba, there are many, many instances of Your blessings and I have no words to express my happiness and love for You. I am always thankful and I am truly blessed.
Om Sai Shri Sai Jai Jai Sai
Sai Devotee Radhika
#MP-Experience 4045
Experience After Joining The Mahaparayan

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Hi ,
I belong to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-2440N1 Diyah Sai. Please share my experience anonymously. I would like to share my experience/testimony which I received from Sai Baba after joining the Mahaparayan. He has done a lot to help me but the following two are two big life changing miracles for me.
- My son was diagnosed with mild symptoms of autism when he was 2 years old and also he did not speak at all, so I took him to various therapies periodically as suggested by my doctors. When I joined this Global Mahaparayan group I prayed for my son only. What I feel is every time when I cry thinking of my son I feel Sai Baba is always with me. He guided me in taking me to correct therapies and classes. My son is 5 years old now. By the grace of Sai Baba my son is very fine now. Doctors said that he has no more symptoms and he is a very normal kid like others. He speaks very well. Thanks to Sai Baba for showing mercy on me and my kid. Without Him I cannot think about my life. Every time I go to the doctor I say/pray that “Sai You are the healer as given in Sai Satcharitra.” The same way He showered blessings and mercy on my kid and he is fine now. Thanks to Sai Baba again.
2. The second miracle is that I left my job to take care of my kid three years back. I was working for an IT concern. After I felt my son was fine, I prayed to Sai Baba that I needed a job so that I could support my family. Sai Baba did a miracle in an unexpected way. Immediately within a few weeks I got a good job in an IT concern with an unexpected and good hike. Getting a job after a few years gap is really a miracle. I thank Sai Baba again for showing mercy and blessings to me.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4046
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When life asks a question, our beloved Sai is definitely the definite answer. He, the greatest Doctor of doctors, has also provided us with the best medicine Udi. Sharing Baba’s leela is also a kind of seva at Baba’s feet because reading leelas of Baba definitely lifts up other devotees’ faith just as it is being done right now for those who are reading this leela. Baba’s Sai Satcharitra will help each one of us to have unique experiences. Only when Baba wishes it happens. Keep reading, keep believing and keep sharing His leelas and Baba our guide will definitely bless you in abundance with the many desired and excellent fruits during this spiritual journey. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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