Sai Baba Helped My Husband To Get A Project

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Ramya Ashvin Halbhavi From UAE Says: Om Sai Ram to the members of the Global Mahaparayan! I am a member of the Global Mahaparayan group – MP 7025N1. I am sharing my experiences and miracles on how Sai Baba blessed my husband in getting a long pending project. I will be grateful if you publish this article.
Thank you.
Pranam to all the devotees of Sri Sai Baba. My family has been ardent devotees of Shri Sai Baba for several years. From the time we have surrendered ourselves to Baba we have experienced various miracles, impossible have turned to be possible, despair turned into hope.
I am an active member of Sri Mahaparayan group and feel blessed to be a part of this group. I started reading the chapters of Mahaparayan and experienced Baba’s blessings in one or the other form. Few days after I started The Mahaparayan, a new group was being formed and immediately I asked if my husband would want to be a part and he gladly agreed.
For many of us, the year 2020 has been tough. Most of us have struggled to keep up our current jobs by performing extra miles and putting in tremendous efforts.
My husband works for a mechanical company and his profession is Sales. He has huge monthly targets to achieve in order to sustain the job. During this pandemic, most of his clients refused to invest in projects due to the market conditions and business being slow.
From the time Pandemic reached peak i.e. from March 2020 till Sept 2020 he worked from home and I have seen him being busy day and night, managing to get leads in projects, but he barely received any. There was one project he was expecting to bag in Dec 2020 and he had been working on this project since a year.
One day I saw him anxious and he complained of a headache. Upon interrogation, he said that the project that he was working on for almost a year, had no hopes of closing the deal and he might lose it to a competitor. I told him to keep full faith in Sai Baba with patience and not to lose hope. For all the hard work he has put in, I constantly prayed Baba to shower His blessings and help my husband get this project.
During the last week of December, my husband received a call from his manager to drop this project off as the chances of getting this project was diminishing and advised my husband to concentrate on other clients/ projects. Once again I pacified my husband saying not to lose hopes. I said Baba is watching all what is happening, keep remembering Baba, tell Baba that this was His project and to approve it for him.
Usually, whenever our family is in doubt, we ask a question to Baba and we always get satisfactory answers from a book named: Your questions and Baba’s answers. On 30th of Dec my husband asked a question from the book and the answer was “Time is difficult, have faith in Baba. Offer Grapes to me.” That very evening, we purchased 3 packets of Grapes, 2 packets were donated to the poor and one packet we offered to Baba and after prayer we ate it as Prasad in the evening. The following day was Thursday and as usual, my husband after having shower read the Sai MahaParayan Chapters that were allocated to him and opened his work laptop to resume the work.
After about half an hour, my husband’s boss phoned him to say the unexpected. Believe it or not, that bid/project which was failing, that project which had no hopes of closing the deal, that project where everyone had lost hopes and that project where husband had given his 100% efforts – was finally approved by the client. My happiness knew no bounds when I heard the news. I told my husband that it was Baba Who signed the bid for him. We performed Pooja and Aarti of Sai Baba and we thanked Him for blessing and for hearing our prayers. I then and there thought of penning this beautiful miracle and sharing it with all Mahaparayana members.
The project was approved, but the challenge now was to receive advance payment from the client. Even after continuous follow ups the payment was not received and once again my husband was worried. The project gets confirmed only when the advance is paid. I kept pondering why Baba was delaying it. Then suddenly I remembered that I had promised Baba about sharing my experience and writing it down as soon as the project was approved. I started writing a few weeks back and the day I completed my writing (which was a Thursday afternoon) the same evening the client released the payment. Isn’t this a miracle? My faith in Sai Baba keeps growing and growing each day and His presence can be felt in everything that we do and under His guidance will take us to the right path.
He knows what is best for everyone and he will never disappoint his devotees. We always test our Guru but Guru never tests us. He waits for His devotees to surrender themselves with faith and patience. There are many more miracles that I have experienced after becoming a staunch devotee of Baba. But I chose to share the recent one. Om Sairam. Bow to Sri Sai , PEACE BE All!
Sai Devotee Ramya Ashvin Halbhavi
#MP-Experience 4047
Sai Baba Helped Me To Come Out Of My Fear

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Ramya From India Says:
Sairam. I am Ramya from India. I would like to share my experience in the podcast also. I am an ardent devotee of Baba ji from the year 2010. He has done many miracles in my life. He guides me each and every moment.
I have been a member of the Global Mahaparayan since January 2019. I gained great confidence only after joining this group. Every week when I read the experience of others, I desire to share mine but I hesitate to write but this time I prayed to Baba to help me get rid of my fear so that I would definitely share my experience on the blog.
Baba ji gives us great experiences when we go wrong or think wrong too. I am 45 years old and entered into the menopause. I very often feel breast pain before my periods and would get rid of it once I get my periods. I was planning to take mammogram, but kept postponing
As usual, just twenty days ago, I was having pain on my left breast. This time I developed tremendous fear that it would be breast cancer. Even though I have faith in Baba, I started browsing through the net and was thinking of its consequences. I was fearful. As I am working, I had to apply for leave and fix an appointment with a radiologist. I had to take my family members along with me.
It took 10 days for me to arrange this. By then, my fear increased. I was continuously chanting Baba’s name and read parayan, the allotted chapters again. The day came on which I had to meet the doctor and do my mammogram- breast x-ray. To my surprise, as Baba had graced me, everything was quite normal. I am healthy and my faith in Baba increased and I am very grateful to Baba ji.
Dear devotees, continue to read parayan, your sins and karma will be shattered away. I felt that it was Baba Who took away the lumps from my breast and helped me to get rid of my fear.
Thank You Babaji and Pooja ji for doing this great work. If not Baba would have come in your dream, we would not have a chance to read this Mahaparayan every week.
Sai Devotee Ramya
#MP-Experience 4048
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Sai Baba’s eyes are the biggest X-ray which can scan the whole universe and all its beings for their needs material as well as spiritual. He knows all in and out as what one thinks, does or goes through. Our unflinching faith in Him will make Him make miracles happen for us and give us even what is not there in our destiny. He knows all our needs and desires. All one needs is to daily take His appointment, see and meet Him either through meditation or chanting His name. He will make all things right at the right time! Have no worry! Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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