Sai Made The Timely Arrangements To Return Home

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Dr Geetharamani Shanmugam From India Says:
I am Dr Geetharamani Shanmugam belonging to the Global Mahaparayan group MP-657N1 Tejakshi Sai, with the roll no 44. I just want to share one miraculous experience, which took place on 28/3/2020. So I decided to share.
I underwent cataract surgery, in my left eye on 9/3/2020, at Coimbatore. After this I went to my relatives house, a village near Coimbatore and stayed there till 15/3/2020. Meanwhile my niece came to Coimbatore, from the USA, along with her husband, on 12/3/2020. She and her husband wanted me to stay with them. Hence, I came to their house, at Coimbatore on 15/3/2020. That was the beginning time of the corona issue. On 18/3/2020, I got my right eye, also operated for cataract, in the same hospital at Coimbatore. After this, I continued to stay in my niece’s house. Within a week, the corona issue was becoming more and more, by the exponential spread of corona and the consequent, proliferation of new cases. Since there was a strong rumour that the corona virus entered into India, through the foreign travellers, people who travelled to India from abroad, were asked to declare and quarantine themselves.
Under this juncture, I wanted to get back to my home, in Coimbatore, 10 km away from my niece’s house, as I didn’t want to create any problem for both myself and my niece’s family. Since then, I started, finding a way to get back to my home, by enquiring various call taxis, auto rickshaws but everything was in vain as none dared to take their vehicles because of the curfew imposed from 22/3/2020 and the strict vigilance of the Police force. l tried, my friends, associates, private cars, ambulance services, Government help lines, the Taluk Officer, everything, under the roof but in every effort I made was futile.
Ever since, I started my efforts to get to my home back, I prayed my Sairam constantly and sincerely. I had a strong faith that somehow Baba would take me back to my home. On 26/3/2020, Thursday my friend forwarded me one image of Sai, along with one message about an NGO and with the phone numbers in Coimbatore, who gives free grocery items to single women or who live without any support of a male. I thought, since this message came to me along with Baba’s picture, I wanted to try, whether they could help me in getting back to my home.
I contacted those given four mobile phone numbers continuously but none picked up the phone. But I didn’t give up. The next 2 days I tried those numbers intermittently and finally on 28/3/2020 one person picked up and I explained my plight to him. He gave a patient listening and gave me another number, which was the Social Wing of Tamilnadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhagam. Then I contacted this number and the secretary of that organisation spoke and immediately he agreed to transport me to my home after I explained to him about my situation. After 30 minutes, one ambulance from that organisation came and dropped me at my home. I just could not believe that I was back home after so many problems. I strongly believe that my Sairam only made this arrangement since my Baba was raised by a Muslim family He arranged my shifting back home through a Muslim organization. I get goosebumps while I think of this experience.
If we have impeccable and unshakable faith in my Sairam, all our sincere and genuine efforts will pay its fruits.
Thank you all and my sincere prayers to all my Sai devotees to come over from this corona crisis.
Sai Devotee Susham Subramanian
#MP-Experience 4075
Sai Baba Helped Me With My Loan Issues

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Dear Hetal ji,
Please keep this post anonymous.
Please feel free to post this in the Sai Baba experiences website if you feel it would be more suitable there.
This is a very short but miraculous incident that Baba helped me with. He is always with me to give me hope and soothe my worried mind.
Last month, we had to see our car due to some unforeseen circumstances. The car dealer who purchased our car had transferred money to the loan account but it was not reflected in the loan closure. I was scared as I had to travel to my hometown to get the issue fixed and the loan office was asking me to show proof of payment from the dealer’s office. I prayed to Baba wholeheartedly and travelled. I was praying to Baba to show His presence on the way to the loan office. And of course, miraculously, everything was fine and the loan settlement was reflecting.
This is our Baba Who loves us more than anyone in this world. Our father will take care of us every moment. All we have to do is remember Him and love Him purely every second. Love You Baba. JAI JAI SAIRAM. Ananthakoti Brahmandanayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja Parabrahma Sri Sachidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4076
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Sai Baba is the light in darkness, Baba is the hope in distress, Baba is happiness in sadness and Baba is the truth in this Universe. We are just tenants here on this Earth as our permanent abode is where the Lord resides. We are here to pay for our karmas and as soon as we are done with our debts and dealings with others (financially, emotionally, physically) our contract would end and there would be no need of renewing it (re-birth). So let us live holistically and try to reduce our rent(bad karmas). Let us be the best tenants that our landlord (Baba) will give us a place at His permanent abode. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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