Sai Baba’s Blessings

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Manisha Rani From India Says:
Hello team,
I am Manisha from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-4948N1 roll no-19. I am a very small devotee of Sai Baba. Baba is everything for me. This is my first experience in Mahaparayan. I want to share my three experiences which happened in one week only.
1. My first experience is related to my baby girl who is ten months old and a blessing of Sai Baba. One night she started crying again and again. I was worried about what happened to my baby girl because she is a jolly child. I prayed to Baba that please help my baby to stop crying and I will post my experience in the Global Mahaparayan group and after a few minutes of my prayer she stopped crying and slept. Baba, bless my child always. She is Your blessing to me.
2. Last two or three months I have not been getting a maid. Means someone’s time is not according to me as I am working. Some left without informing me and left the city or were always telling lies. I was totally fed up as I have a small baby and office work which is difficult to manage. In my living area there is a big Sai Baba photo frame which I took from Shirdi and I always feel that Baba is with me. I was sitting on the sofa and looking at Baba and asking Him to please help me in this regard as He knows all the situations. Then after sometime the guard sent a maid. She is very nice and helpful. I am very thankful to my Baba.
3. I have not slept properly for some time. I asked Baba to please help me in a deep sound sleep. With Baba’s grace I am able to sleep properly. Stay with me always.
Thanks a lot Sai Baba. I love You a lot. You are ever there for me. Om Sai Ram.
Thanks and Regards,
Sai Devotee Manisha Rani
#MP-Experience 3079
Sai Baba Cured My Kid’s Diarrhoea

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Sowmya From India Says:
Namaskar everyone. I have been a devotee of Sai Baba for 15 years. Baba was with me in every step of my life. I joined the Global Mahaparayan group in May 2020 and is a member of MP-9973N1-Akash Sai group. I want to share my recent experience.
Last week on Thursday, my younger daughter, one and half years old, had a slight fever in the afternoon. At night there was an increase in temperature. We gave her the paracetamol syrup and by next day she was fine. On Saturday night she started vomiting. That continued the next day and also diarrhoea. She used to pass watery stools every 15 minutes. Actually the paediatrician we regularly go to, was on leave. We contacted another paediatrician on the phone and started the medication but nothing worked. On Monday she became so weak and was laying on the bed for the whole day. We took her to the doctor and he said that there was some infection and gave some medication. He said that if the child continued to be weak then it was better to admit her in the hospital and put her on IV saline. The watery stools continued for every 5 minutes.
Everyone in my house was so scared. I was praying to Baba and somewhere back of my mind I was strong that my kid will be taken care of by Baba. I had promised Baba that I would share my experience when my child gets fine. By Monday evening there started a slow recovery. The next morning she was fine and we were all so relaxed. I thank Baba from the bottom of my heart for everything He has done for me and my family. I beg Baba to shower His blessings on my family forever. Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai.
Sai Devotee Sowmya
#MP-Experience 3080
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Let us lock our ego, bad thoughts and negativity and open the doors that lead to love, peace, care and devotion. Baba always cares for His children and He is the most merciful and benevolent. His grace will protect us like a shield from the calamities and storms that try to hit us. The more we devote ourselves to His feet the more love, care and grace from Baba surrounds us. Blessed are we to have Baba as our Sadguru! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om SaiRam🙏Om SaiRam🙏Om SaiRam🙏
Om SaiRam🙏Om SaiRam🙏Om SaiRam🙏
Love you Deva
Jai Sai Samarth