Sai Baba Helped Me To Resolve My Finances

Anonymous Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Sai Ram,
I have been part of the Global Mahaparayan group MP-9130 N1 since Dec 2019.
At the recommendation of our cousin, my wife and I joined the Mahaparayan together. We have a bright teenage son and both of us are retired from our corporate jobs at the age of 40.
We have been blessed with a lot of assets and investments, but we weren’t getting enough revenue from them as anticipated and hence we were wondering if our early retirement was a wrong decision and wondered how we were going to sustain ourselves.
We took the Mahaparayan very seriously and during the course also read about other devotees’ experiences and wondered if our problems would ever end. I used to constantly remind myself that these worries are not mine anymore, they are Baba’s and He will take care of all of them.
After nearly six months into the Global Mahaparayan, things have changed.
One after the other our assets started fetching our rents. Now, thanks to Baba, we are very happy.
We are thankful for this great initiative, namely The Global Mahaparayan, and thanks to all the individuals who are responsible for it; special thanks to our cousin for introducing us to the initiative.
Koti koti pranam at Sai Baba’s feet.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4065
Sai Baba Helped Me In My Career Path

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From USA Says:
Pooja Garg ji and Mahaparayan Team,
Om Sai Ram! I am an Anonymous devotee from New Jersey writing on Mahashivaratri day 2021! Apologies for the long write-up!
I would like to share my Mahaprayan experiences with this group. I consider Baba as my God and Guru and follow His instructions on every major decision which I make in life (especially after 2016, something magical happened in my life due to Baba’s blessings). I would like to narrate my story of how Baba helped me in securing a dream job and has constantly provided support and boosted my confidence.
I was in a stable job with a $10 bn company and took a bit of a gamble jumping on to an organization that was undergoing restructuring due to an M&A activity. This was around early 2017. The salary and position were good, but I soon realized that I probably did the wrong thing by changing jobs during an M&A. As expected, there was a lot of churn in the management team and some of the anticipated projects did not materialize. It was around this time probably June 2017 that the Global Mahaparayan initiative was started by Pooja Garg ji and the team. Somehow as Baba says that He will get the sparrows to Him irrespective of where they are in the world, I heard about the Mahaparayan at my Sai temple and immediately signed up. Little did I understand why Baba chose me for this at that point.
By August, things started going south at my workplace and I could sense that a layoff was imminent. Baba had prepared me for this moment since June. As expected, I lost my job just around the time when the Mahaparayan had started in September, but Baba had already worked His magic at this point and kept everything ready. I was paid a generous separation package due to the acquisition (which was a complete surprise) and had no financial trouble at all until I found my next job. The next job was with an industry leader but the role and salary were not as per my expectations. Baba had asked me to keep “Saburi” and I took up that job. I was trying to be patient but was kind of losing out my patience and started getting restless on and off.
During the last three years, Baba made me pick up several things – Ekadasi vrat, reading Stavana Manjari, joining AASM group, and reading Baba’s 108 Pearls which have become habits for life. I have no idea how I started doing this, it must be Baba Who made me do this. I had not even heard of Stavan Manjari until I saw it in the AASM group during Rama Navami 2018 if I recall correctly. I also got to complete a reading of ‘Tripura Rahasya’ by Ramana Maharishi, which I tried reading unsuccessfully several times. All of the above could not have happened without Baba’s blessings. Om Sai Ram! Baba in His classic style kept sending messages to keep “Saburi” while He works out things and I would continue on.
One fine afternoon in 2021, I got a request from a recruiter on LinkedIn who said that one of my managers from the past has multiple open positions and would like to talk with me. I was speechless and couldn’t thank Baba enough. I said to myself that if I get this opportunity, I should definitely write about His leelas in the Mahaparayan group. His ways and methods of doing things are unique. He helped me all the while and I finally accepted the job offer with a significant increase in compensation and the dream role which eluded me for years. My humble pranams and prostrations to Baba! Many Thanks to Pooja Ji, Rakhi Ji, Hetal Ji, and the entire Mahaparayan principals, captains and volunteers for making this happen.
Sri Satchidanadha Sadguru SaiNath Maharaj ki Jai! Om Sairam!
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 4066
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
When we hold on to Baba’s finger with Shraddha and Saburi then the biggest of the storm cannot harm us. Baba, our merciful father makes sure that He does the best possible for us owing to our Karmic account. Let us amputate the negativities and doubts within us and stand firm in devotion for Baba. Good actions, good thoughts never go waste, they undoubtedly lead towards goodness when most needed! Baba will clear all the obstacles very soon and miracles are bound to happen. Jai Sairam! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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