Amazing Life Saving Sai Leela

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Leela Rajasekhar From India Says:
Om Sairam! I am Leela Rajasekhar, having the blessings of Baba for more than 30 years, sharing a great experience that we had I think in 2000.
One day we were having Sai bhajan in our house in the evening from 7-8 pm. The bhajan was attended by many devotees including my sister and mother. That day my sister’s daughter was all alone in their apartment, just about 3 minutes walk from our house, after returning from her school. Suddenly at about 7 pm (when the bhajan started just then), power went off. We continued the bhajan with the candles and everyone was totally in a devotional spirit. When the power went off my sister’s daughter, who was about 12 years old, lit the candle and did something.
Then a phone call came to the landline and she attended the call while keeping the burning candle nearby and noticed that her frock caught the fire. She panicked and tried to put the fire off by sprinkling the water, but she couldn’t. Then she came out of her apartment with a burning frock. She was fortunate that one young man from the opposite flat was walking in the corridor and saw her. He immediately rubbed off the fire and called his mother for help. They took care of her by changing her clothes and giving some water to bring her out of fear. They were about to inform us about the incident, but her father who came just a while ago stopped them and said that “let us not disturb them during bhajan”, so we were not aware of that incident. We peacefully completed the bhajan and in the meantime power also came back. Then we got a phone call from her father asking all of us to come to their house and briefed the incident.
We went there with great fear thinking about how the girl would be. But to our surprise she was normally talking. We were relieved of our tension and then we came to know the miracle of Baba and even now I get tears if I remember His grace on that innocent girl.
In fact the young man who saved her, works for a book company and comes home after 9 pm regularly. But that day he was feeling unusually uncomfortable and came home around 6 pm. Then this incident took place and his two hands were burnt while he was rubbing the fire. He was telling us that he couldn’t stay at his workplace and was forced to come home with his unusual discomfort. He also had a feeling that somebody was asking him to go home.
Everyone of us remember how Baba saved a small girl who fell in the fire while her mother stood up to attend to her husband who was on the bed and Baba’s two hands were burnt.
So many miracles have taken place in our family since Baba became one of our family members. But this one is something where Baba came as that young man and rescued her.
Let us all join hands to pray for His blessings for a happy and peaceful life.
OM SAI RAM Om Sri Samardha Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj ki Jai….!
Sai Devotee Leela
#MP-Experience 1795
Sai Baba Is With Me

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Usha From India Says: Om Sri Sai Nathaya Namah!
I am Usha Raghunath from the Global Mahaparayan group MP-5405N1 Mithra Sai, Captain of Green House. Baba’s Blessings, care and love are beyond words.
Sai has smiled upon me and I am here sharing my blessed experience.
It all happened with me losing balance while walking. I had no pain at all nor did I feel giddy etc. It was just that my walking pattern completely changed. I began to drag my feet and also started swaying to one side. Waited for a day thinking it was some problem with the leg.
I was taken to the hospital on Friday; the 17th of July 2020 when there seemed to be no changes in my walking condition. The Ortho surgeon examined me and at once referred me to a Neurosurgeon.
Some tests to check whether I had the sense of feeling in my leg and all were done. It was all perfect, because I could very well sense each touch. Then it was time for scanning. I had to go in for an MRI as well as an MRA.
A small stroke was detected between the neck and the brain. A slight blood stain in a vein, that vein led to the leg and thus the problem of the leg started. All this time when I was lying down in the scanning machine, my mind was chanting “Om Sri SaiNathaya Namah” continuously.
Hearing the word stroke I was completely lost. I was in total tears.
ECG was taken at once and I was shifted to the ICU. I didn’t know what to do. My mind was full of mixed feelings.
24 hours I was under observation in the ICU. ECHO, HOLTER etc.. all tests were done.
After 24 hours they shifted me to a room. Since the Holter test was done my body was strapped with gadgets and a monitor.
I didn’t know how many days I would have to be in the hospital bed.
Keeping full faith in Sai I said “ Baba, You know MahaParayan Day (Thursday) is approaching and my Green House devotees will be waiting to receive the Parayan completion format which I usually send to each one of them on Wednesday morning.”
I pleaded with full devotion “Baba, take me back home with a blessed report before Wednesday.”
Baba heard my cries and on Monday evening I was discharged with my reports saying that there were not many problems. Only physiotherapy could be done to regain balance while walking. I am doing those exercises regularly and have improved a lot too.
Doctors said that I reached the hospital at the correct time. If it was a bit more late, things would have been in a bad shape. It was Baba only Who took me to the hospital at the proper time.
Falling at Your feet Baba
Your Humble Devotee
Sai Devotee Usha Raghunath
#MP-Experience 1796
Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental
Both the leelas just filled my eyes with tears and heart with love and gratitude for Baba. How fortunate are we to have such a loving, caring, merciful and omnipresent Sadguru like Sai Baba in our life! We can never thank Him enough with any combination and composition of words and phrases in any language but we can definitely keep chanting His name till our every vein, nerve and blood cell absorbs and echoes the name Sai...Sai…! This too in turn somewhere would yield only blessings to us and save us from the calamities in some way. Let us do good deeds to actually thank our Baba and make Him happy. Sai Baba please, please bless us that we may not lose balance between real and unreal and ever be a blessing to every possible living being around us. Baba, please help us to live our life in a true sense! Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
© Global MahaParayan Experiences – Member of
Sai appa, please fulfil my leela and I will share with Mahaparayan devotees. I am also completing your seva. I am waiting for my leela to be fulfilled so I can share with mahaparyan group and I will also come to shridhi to say thank you once you complete.
I always think about Shirdi saibaba
Om Sairam namo namah
Sai appaa..came back from hospital them baba
Was worried about parayan..happened to read the same with us Sai..🙏🙏🙏