Blessings Of Sai Baba In Covid Times

Blessings Of Sai Baba In Covid Times

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Vandana From India Says:

Om Sairam, whenever I used to read about miracles experienced by people with the blessings of Baba, I used to wonder and think how blessed all these people are. This does not mean that I haven’t experienced Baba’s guidance and Baba’s presence around me, it was always there. I have full faith about His presence and blessings, though I haven’t shared anything till now.

But today in this tough time in which we all are now, I want to share my experience to build up more strong faith in our loving Sai Baba. At the end of August I got this virus COVID-19 which we all are very scared of and want to get rid of as soon as possible. 

My symptoms were different and I was sure in my mind that I was COVID positive then, but no one in the family wanted to believe or accept it, thinking that it was a normal viral. Amid this confusion with all the tiredness and sore throat 10 days passed without any proper medication. On the 10th day my doctor prescribed me medicine which was being used to treat COVID patients. On the 15th day, I started feeling better, but until then my daughter who is 15 years old contracted the virus. 

The problem, anxiety and stressful days which we suffered will be a long story to share. In short my daughter was feeling very weak in her post covid days with her fast heart rate up to 120,130, with all the dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling of tremors and vibration in her body were too painful for me to accept  as a mother. I used to feel so much and cry for my only daughter who was in so much pain and trouble. So one morning when she was sleeping while meditating I prayed and asked Sai Baba to soothe her overactive thyroid with His cool and blessed hands so that my daughter could be relieved from this stress.

I prayed with all my heart imagining that this thing was happening and my Baba was helping her. So when my daughter woke up that morning and when she said that she was feeling much much better, tears flooded my eyes. Baba poured His blessings on us. From that she showed good signs of recovery. I hope and pray that her recovery will be fast by the grace of that Almighty Who is watching us dearly. Thank You Sai Baba for always being there. Om Sai Ram.

With a lot of gratitude and prayers.

Sai Devotee Vandana

#MP-Experience 1821

Sai Baba Healed My Colleague From Covid  

Sai Baba Healed My Colleague From Covid

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Shanthi From India Says: 

Om Sri Sai Ram. I am Shanthi Roll no. 32 of the Global Mahaparayan MP-5287N1 KRISHNA Sai group.

I am very much pleased to inform you that my colleague Mr. Perumalpillai is on his way to recovery after being hospitalised for 21 days because of Covid-19. All the 6 members of his family were affected and unfortunately his father- in- law died. He was admitted in Kings Institute, Chennai, Tamil nadu. His condition deteriorated to a very critical stage last week and my first MP to Sai Ram was to cure him. 

With Baba’s blessings even before the second MP, I got to know that he was getting well and healthy. I wanted to share this news because it is one of our Baba’s miracles.

Thank You very much and it is His grace that I am a part of this Global Mahaparayan.

Om Sri Sai Ram.

Sai Devotee Shanthi

#MP-Experience 1822

Those who wish to volunteer any service for Global Mahaparayan, may join temporary whatsapp group MP Sevaks and we will get in touch with you. Rise and Be Instrumental

When everything seems dark then there is one ray of hope for sure - our Sai. He goes beyond our imagination to help and support His devotees owing to our karmic account. So let us keep doing good deeds no matter whether anybody recognizes it or not as Baba for sure will notice even our every single silent thought or deed. We never know what act of ours will help us in what manner as we surely get back what we give. Do good and experience good when most unexpected. Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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