Magical Experience After Reading The MahaParayan

Magical Experience After Reading The MahaParayan
Navratri Day 4 – September 29 – Color: Yellow – Goddess Worshipped: Maa Kushmanda

Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Preeti From Bahrain Says:

Hello Mam,

I feel extremely happy to share my experience with Sai Baba from the time I started reading the Mahaparayan. I had been trying for my driving licence for the past eight years and every time I started to try there was some or the other obstacle that stopped me from doing so. I was feeling very depressed and very low since all my friends and all the known people had started driving and used to always make fun of me that I was unable to complete my driving. Having full faith in Baba I started  my driving lesson again during this time of this pandemic. Took Baba’s name and prayed to Him to help me, guide me and be with me this time so that I could complete my driving. I started my journey. Finally on the 16th of February came my driving test date and I was really very worried. Still I had a strong belief in me which said that Baba would help me and He is with me. I was very comfortable driving on the road as I got a very good instructor but inside the driving school was all very difficult. 

As there are a lot of rules to be followed here( i.e Bahrain) in driving , it’s not very easy to pass the test. My fear was driving inside the school and I was desperately praying that the examiner should not ask me to drive inside the school and should directly take me out. Inside the school it’s very tough and there are a lot of rules to follow. 

When I was called for my test I was so scared but still something inside me said that Baba is there do not worry. Then there was the miracle that surprised me totally. My examiner didn’t tell me to drive inside the school at all. He directly took me outside the school, made me drive on the highway and then we were back to school. I never thought that it would be so easy; just as I had wished for. I parked well and completed my test in the first attempt. 

I blindly trust You Baba. Love You Deva.

Just keep showering Your blessings on us the way You always do. You can always answer our prayers. Om Sai Ram.


Sai Devotee Preeti

#MP-Experience 4003

Sai’s Love, Mercy And Benevolence 

Sai’s Love, Mercy And Benevolence

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Swati  From India Says:

Sai Ram Pooja ji,

Hope you are doing well. Please find my Mahaparayan experience attached herewith and Sai willing, hope it will be posted soon on the experience blog. May Sai bless you and your family.  

My dear Sai bandhus, my heartfelt regards to you all beautiful souls who would be patiently reading my post. Please pardon any mistakes in my little venture. Thanks Pooja ji for not only being a medium to bring Baba closer to us through these various Maha Yagnas, but for also giving me a chance to broadcast

my feelings to the wider audience of your esteemed blog.

Sai’s leelas are infinite. Anyone who comes under His holy umbrella, would surely be protected from the storms of life. I, on my part have experienced multitudes of His grace, but would like to pen down a notable few in this post. Forgive me Sai Maa, for my late fulfilment of promise. I offer this write-up at Your feet.

1) Prolonged stay at my mother’s place – Due to corona we got WFH facility from our respective offices and so my family and I travelled to our native. Such an opportunity of a prolonged stay at home is a dream come true for me, who hardly gets a chance to travel to my mother’s place. I had planned to stay for more than 2 months, but unfortunately before the end of last year, my father- in- law’s health deteriorated. So, my mother- in- law asked us to come over to her place. While my husband had to travel immediately, I was in a dilemma whether I should accompany him or not. On one hand, I was feeling bad and selfish for not travelling with him and on the other hand I was feeling dejected that I had to leave my native sooner than expected. My husband kept asking me if I wanted to travel with him. In confusion, I agreed to travel with him, though he was fine with me staying back at my mom’s place. 

But my Sai Maa came to my rescue. Just like He had overridden Nanasaheb Nimonkar’s decree to his wife, similarly He

indicated to me by chits that I need not travel. So He got me rid of my dilemma. But then, my husband stopped asking my opinion on travelling. I prayed to Baba again and He again moved things in my favour. My husband re-asked and I voiced my choice. So, it was only due to my Sai Maa, that I was able to

prolong my stay. Thank You SaiNath.

2) Sai Baba saved me from an accident – I was cooking at my mother’s place. The stove area was smaller and

I had kept a cloth near the burner. Due to my carelessness in keeping it, it had suddenly caught fire and I, unthoughtful, was unaware of it. My mother who was cooking opposite to me suddenly turned around and noticed it. She shouted and being confused, I threw the burning cloth into the wash basin and put out the fire. My mother explained to me the gravity of the situation. As the gas pipe was near the

burning cloth, it could have easily caught fire and exploded. She exclaimed that it was God Who saved us and then I came back to my senses and realised that it was all our Baba’s leela. A few days ago, while talking to Him via Q&A site, He had told me that He would save me from an accident and this incident was only one of the innumerable proofs of His ever-watchful motherly nature and love for His children.

3) Protecting us during these corona times – During this lockdown, we travelled to our native places. The journey was not direct and involved a few stops. Also, my husband had to travel frequently and my Father had to start off some house repair work, which involved interaction with a lot of people. But Baba

had assured me multiple times that He would be guarding me and my family. Without attempting to defy the scientific and logical arguments of the educated masses, I would like to pen down one of Baba’s dictums that only who is destined to be struck will be struck and the one destined to be saved, will be saved. All movable and immovable creatures and objects including viruses are under our Baba’s control. Nothing happens without His will and it is only His motherly protection that has kept me and my family safe so far. I am sure that He who is the Eternal Holy Universal Mother, would be keeping all His children safe in His lap in these tough times.

4) Baba helped me in fulfilling His orders – Through Q&A site, Baba would remind me of some unfulfilled promises or He would give me some orders. I, being the worst kind of devotee, would keep on postponing these orders for executing them at suitable opportunities. But during my stay at my mother’s place this time, Baba ensured that I fulfil some of those orders/promises like offering Him tobacco, offering white dhoti to Brahmin, visiting local Devi mandir etc. He arranged everything via my parents and my sister and just made me a medium to execute them. Also, I am a participant of MahaAnnadan initiative. During my last week’s stay at my mother’s place, Baba inspired me to feed food to the labourers involved in the house repair work. He got the food cooked via my mother, got me help from my sister and father and ensured that all seva goes well. Every Annadan day, He would see to it that I fulfil the seva of feeding 7 souls successfully. Since Baba knows my weaknesses, He gave me all assistance, the strength and will power to fulfil them. Thank You Sai Maa for everything.

Before I end my post, I would like to thank Baba for helping me in the tiniest of the matters. You know that I am a big ZERO without You. You are the only strength I possess. Whatever little success I get, deep within I know that it is You Who have taken all the pains to bless me with that. So I offer all of that at Your holy Feet. That You have always been protecting, loving and blessing a sinner like me is just a miracle in itself and a testimony of Your limitless love for all Your children irrespective of any distinctions. I pray You to be with me always and at all times. 

Rest on my tongue, in my mind and in the cave of my heart. Teach me selfless love and devotion. Bless all Your children and holding our hand, guide us through the darkness of our souls towards Your eternal light. Om Sai, Sri Sai, Jai Jai Sai. Om Sai Samartha.

Thanks and Regards.

Sai Devotee Swati

#MP-Experience 4004

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When we hold on to Baba’s finger with Shraddha and Saburi then the biggest of the storm cannot harm us. Baba, our merciful father makes sure that He does the best possible for us owing to our Karmic account. Let us amputate the negativities and doubts within us and stand firm in devotion for Baba. Good actions, good thoughts never go waste, they undoubtedly lead towards goodness when most needed! Baba will clear all the obstacles very soon and miracles are bound to happen.
 Jai Sairam!
 Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg


Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!

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