Baba’s Dream Saying Mahaparayan Is A Blessing And Boon To All Sai Children MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

Shirdi Sai Baba Devotee Rashi Vashist From India Says : Om Sai Ram. I am from MP-210 Mahaparayan group. I believe in Baba very much. I have full Faith in him. Whatever I have asked Him for, He has given me and has always given what is right for me.

I want to share a beautiful experience with you all. One Night I was extremely depressed and was very tensed about my job and for some personal problems. I was reading the experiences of devotees in Mahaparayan Experience group. Before going to sleep, I started talking to Baba as I was normally praying to Baba that

“Baba sab kuch thik ho jaega na”? (which means, “Baba will everything be alright”?)

“Baba thank you, apne mujhe bhot kuch diya and thank you mujhe itne saare log se milwaya which I wanted for so long and thank You Baba mujhe Mahaparayan ka part banaya”(which means, “Baba thank You, You have given me so much and thank You, You have introduced me to so many people which I wanted for so long and thank You Baba for making me a part of Mahaparayan”)

I said Baba “Bhohath din hogaye apne mere dream main akar baat nahi kiya. Aaj apko aana hee padega”(which means, “Its very long time that You have not come in my dreams and have not talked to me. Today at any cost You have to come”).

And then I asked Him “Baba Parayan karte rehne se sab thik hoga na”?(which means, “Baba doing the Parayan everything will be alright”?…). Saying this to Baba I slept.

Then I got a beautiful dream where I saw a poster or a picture of Baba in which the same thing was written “Keep Doing Parayan Everything Will Be Fine” as is written by Pooja ji always at the end of mahaparayan experiences (Keep Doing Parayan Good Things Will Surely Happen). I asked Baba where are You?

Then I heard Baba’s voice “My Child I am Here With You And With Everyone. Just Keep Doing Parayan. Sab Thik Hoga. Main Sabki Wishes Puri Karunga. Sab Accha Hoga, Tumhari Aur Sabki Life Mein. Bas Shant Raho, Aur Parayan Karte Raho, Aur Khush Raho” (which means, “Just Keep doing parayan and everything will be alright. I will fulfill everyone’s wishes. Everything will be good in your life and in everyone’s life. Just be calm and keep doing Parayan and Be Happy”).

My dream ended here. It was not just a dream, but it was truely Baba’s words which Baba had conveyed his Beautiful message to all of his children through this dream. Such a Beautiful and Blissful dream it was. Om Sai Ram.

Jai Sai Ram
Rashi Vashist

Thank You Rashi ji for sharing your experience and conveying Baba’s message to all His children who are already part of Mahaparayan and losing hope thinking Baba not listening to them and also to those whom Baba wants to pull in for Mahaprayan this year. This clearly shows everything Baba is controlling and we need to have patience; as soon with collective prayers and positive vibes things would turn out good not only for human race but also for every minute animate and inanimate element in the Universe as per Baba’s assurance to one more devotee Soumya ji (Baba Says Mahaparayan Is For Samasta Loka). Love You Sai. Jai Ho Sai. MahaParayan Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba | Miracles of MahaParayan | Blessings of Shri Sai Satcharitra |

-Pooja GArg

#Experience 180

Keep Doing Parayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen…!

P. S. We started publishing one
experience on daily basis from 30 Nov 2017 as many experiences have been
received. Your experience would also get published as per the sequence. Please
share your comments, it really matters a lot. You can share your experiences related
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related to Maha Parayan on Devotees Experiences With Shirdi Sai Baba

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  1. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
    Everything happens for a reason whether someone skips the parayan or whether a chapter is been read twice that day. Baba is watching all of us while we do parayan everyday! If we always believe that Baba is waiting next to us for completing our parayan that day, no doubt we will Read it with full concentration & feel the bliss of his presence & blessings ! Our wishes are definitely going to be fulfilled one day. No doubt

    • Very true ji, coz one of my friend told it would be stressful to read the chapters on d day itself and one would not be able to read with devotion…. But I replied it is d faith on Baba that makes us read,, as Baba has taught us we must have shraddha n sabhuri, the rest 's with Sairam….if we have these two Baba 's with us always..
      Jai Sairam

  2. Thanks for sharing rashmi ji
    Wonderful experience. You are soo blessed. Baba please keep blessing all beings in the universe. Om sai ram.

  3. OM SAI RAM. Thanks Rashi ji, for sharing this beautifull dream of yours & for giving us the DIVINE MESSAGE from our SAI.

  4. Dear RashiJi,

    Om Sai Ram. Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience. This experience has boosted everyone who are feeling down and low in life and also losing the hopes. My special thanks to Pooja ji for sharing this experience in right time. I am sure that by the time this 1 year of Mahaparayan gets completed everyones wishes will be fulfilled and everyone will be leading happy, healthy and peaceful life


  5. It's so amazing that you experienced Rashiji ! Blessed is your soul. Our hopes get reinforced when we get to hear those words " "My Child I am Here With You And With Everyone. Just Keep Doing Parayan. Sab Thik Hoga. Main Sabki Wishes Puri Karunga. Sab Accha Hoga, Tumhari Aur Sabki Life Mein. Bas Shant Raho, Aur Parayan Karte Raho, Aur Khush Raho" (which means, "Just Keep doing parayan and everything will be alright. I will fulfill everyone’s wishes. Everything will be good in your life and in everyone's life. Just be calm and keep doing Parayan and Be Happy"). Thank you Hetalji and Pujaji for posting this wonderful vision of Baba ! Bow to Sri Sai. Peace be with you all. Om Sai Ram.

  6. Om sai ram as I am part of mahaparayan I alwayas think why baba is not listening to me .. but from the above mentioned experience it's give me hope that baba is listening to all. Thnku hetal ji pooja ji rashi ji
    Om sai ram shraddha aur Saburi

  7. Om sai ram as i m a part of mahaprayan i know baba is always with us nd shower his blessings everytime .Thank u rashi for sharing ur experience

  8. Om Sai Ram. Its true that our Lord Sai is watching us and lead us the way to enlightenment. We should be patient and keep doing the parayan. We all are truly blessed of coming together from various walks of life with a sole aim of Lord Sai's krupa. Jai Ho.

  9. Omg Sai RAM Really great experience I had after started to read parayana My financial problems solved as well as My family members are happy They are giving good support to do anything for Saibaba

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