Have Trust And Patience In Beloved Sai Baba

Anonymous Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee From India Says:
Hello Sir/Mam
Below are my experiences which I would like to share with you all. Please keep me as an anonymous Devotee.
I am proud to be part of the Sai family and I have experienced a number of Sai leelas in my life and still experiencing and will experience many leelas. I would like to share a couple of leelas with you all.
1.Once I had vitamin D deficiency which made me sleepless and resulted in different health issues. I went to the doctor and after checking my BP doctor advised me to start BP medication. I was shocked to hear that and my wife along with me pleaded with the doctor not to advise BP medication and asked for 1 week’s time (to pray Sai Baba). One week passed and I became normal and went to the doctor for a check up. She checked my BP and said you are normal. After that I did not have any BP related issues till now and I will not even face it in the future with the confidence/trust that I have on my Baba.
2. I have been working on a rare module for almost 9 years which does not have many market opportunities/ job openings. I have to learn other modules and try in other organisations which I was not doing at all. Somehow with my present colleagues, I joined a course outside with Baba’s acceptance and grace. You don’t believe that course is still not completed and I got a job in one of the leading organisations, with my Baba’s grace.
I was transparent with my interviewer and said that I am learning the
course but I knew the basics. Interviewer was happy with my answers and said no worries and that I could learn there(in their organisation) also and selected me. Was it not Baba Who gave me a job saying that I could learn.
Note: Important thing is, it took some time to receive my offer. I was anxious and slowly started thinking about whether I would get selected etc. One day I was reading Mahaparayan experiences by other devotees and prayed to Baba to show experiences related to job change so that I will happily wait, my very next blog/Experience was on job change. I was amazed with tears in my eyes and again prayed Baba to give one more blog/Experience on job change. Then to my surprise again I got a job change related experience.
Trust and Patience is what we should have on our beloved Baba.
Anonymous Sai Devotee
#MP-Experience 1857
Pray To Sai Baba With Ultimate Devotion And He Will Save Us

Shirdi Sai Global Mahaparayan Devotee Akhila From India Says:
I am Akhila. I joined the Global Mahaparayan group last year and have been studying Sai Satcharitra. I have also done 9 Thursdays Sai Baba vrat and distributed the vrat katha books.
I have been praying for progeny since some time ago. My attempts have been futile. However, Baba was guiding me to become better and have patience all the time. Recently my pregnancy got confirmed and I was very happy that Baba finally blessed me.
I realised that having faith in Baba will add wonders to our life. ‘Have patience and faith in me’ – this is what Baba suggests to every devotee. I realised that whoever does so will be blessed by Baba. All we need to do is remember His name all the time.
I wanted to share my experience after I became a devotee of Baba. Whenever we pray to Him with ultimate devotion, He will surely come to save us. I have realised this fact.
I would thank all the devotees and my mentor for motivating me to join the Global Mahaparayan group. This has helped me a lot in my life.
I wish to share my above experience. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity.
Thank you.
Sai Devotee Akhila
#MP-Experience 1858
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Thank You and Love You Deva. Jai Jai Ho Sai!😊 - Pooja Garg
Keep Doing MahaParayan, Good Things Would Surely Happen and have already started happening too !!!
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Om Sai Ram ❤️🙏